Bargain books on the Middle Ages and all related subjects
Unused bargains
The following unused bargains are currently in stock:
[No Author].
365 Churches, Abbeys and Cathedrals: Official Tourist Board Guide. (pb, 2008 edn.) £1.00 (reduced from £5.99)
[No Author].
365 Historic Houses and Castles: Official Tourist Board Guide. (pb, 2008 edn.) £1.00 (reduced from £5.99)
Richard Adams
The Outlandish Knight. (hb) £6.00 (reduced from £17.99)
Fabian Alfie
Comedy and Culture: Cecco Angioleri’s Poetry and Late Medieval Society. (pb) £6.00 (reduced from £34.00)
Alan Baker
The Viking. (hb) £6.00 (reduced from £14.99)
Jean Paul Barbier
A Guide to Pre-Columbian Art. (pb) £4.50 (reduced from €12.91)
Pauline Baynes
Questionable Creatures: A Bestiary. (hb) £6.00 (reduced from £10.99)
Robert J. Blanch and Julian N. Wasserman
From Pearl to Gawain: Forme to Fynisment. (hb) £20.00
Simon Brighton
In Search of the Knights Templar: A Guide to the Sites of Britain. (pb) £6.50 (reduced from £12.99)
Rodney Castleden
King Arthur: The Truth Behind the Legend. (hb) £15.00 (reduced from £100.00)
Jeremy Catto, intro.
Mysticism: The Experience of the Divine. (hb) £4.50 (reduced from $9.95)
Timothy Champion, Stephen Shennan, and Paul Cuming
Planning for the Past, Volume 3: Decision-Making and Field Methods in Archaeological Evaluation. (pb) £6.00
Andrew A. Chibi
The European Reformation: a student’s guide to the key ideas and the events they shaped. (pb) £8.00 (reduced from £9.99)
J. C. Cooper
Cassell Dictionary of Christianity. (hb) £6.00
Marilyn Corrie, ed.
A Concise Companion to Middle English Literature. (hb, warehouse-damaged) £12.00 (reduced from £75.00/€90.00)
Carole M. Cusack
The Rise of Christianity in Northern Europe, 300-1000. (pb) £10.00 (reduced from £34.99)
Michael Dames
Merlin and Wales: A Magician’s Landscape. (pb) £5.00 (reduced from £9.95)
Peter Darvill-Evans
Doctor Who: Asylum. (pb) £7.00
Sheila Delany
Impolitic Bodies — Poetry, Saints, and Society in Fifteenth-Century England: The Work of Osbern Bokenham. (pb) £6.00 (reduced from £28.49)
Georges Dumézil
The Riddle of Nostradamus: A Critical Dialogue. (hb) £15.00
John Fines
Domesday Book in the Classroom. (pb) £7.50
St. Francis of Assisi
Canticle of the Sun; calligraphy by Frank Missant. (pb) £5.00 (reduced from $12.95)
St. Francis of Assisi
The Message of St. Francis, with frescoes from the Basilica of St. Francis at Assisi; selected by Sister Nan. (hb) £5.00 (was in print at £9.99)
Irene M. Franck & David M. Brownstone, adapted by Rachel Kranz
Across Africa and Arabia. (hb) £5.00 (out of print)
John Gardner
The Poetry of Chaucer. (pb) £6.00 (reduced from $22.50)
Peter Harrison
Castles of God: Fortified Religious Buildings of the World. (hb, warehouse soiled) £15.00
Judith Herrin, ed.
A Medieval Miscellany; intro. Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie (hb) £10.00 (out of print)
Jacob d’Ancona, trans. David Selbourne
The City of Light. (hb) £8.00
Rachel Jacoff & William Stephany
Lectura Dantis Americana: Inferno II. (hb) £8.50 (out of print)
Peter J. Jagger
The Alcuin Club and its Publications 1897-1987: An Annotated Bibliography, 2nd edn. (hb) £6.00
Shelley Klein
Stufflebeem, Brockway & Sturt: The Origins of our Surnames. (hb) £5.00
Thomas Kren, Elizabeth C. Teviotdale, Adam S. Cohen, Kurtis Barstow
Meisterwerkeim J. Paul Getty Museum: Illuminierte Handschriften. (hb) £6.00 (reduced from £22.50; also available in Japanese or Italian)
Franklin H. Littell
Historical Atlas of Christianity; 2nd edn. (hb) £6.00 (reduced from £20.00/$35.00)
D. E. Luscombe and G. R. Evans, eds.
Anselm: Aosta, Bec and Canterbury; Papers in Commemoration of the 900th Anniversary of Anselm’s Enthronement. (hb) £10.00 (reduced from £65.00)
Fiona MacDonald
The Medieval Facts of Life. (hb) £6.00 (last in print at £8.99)
Neil MacGregor
A Victim of Anonymity: The Master of the Saint Bartholomew Altarpiece. (hb) £4.50 (reduced from £8.95)
S. L. MacGregor Mathers, trans.
The Book of Concealed Mystery; tr. S. L. MacGregor Mathers. (hb) £5.00 (reduced from £9.99)
Tim William Machan
English in the Middle Ages. (pb) £10.00 (reduced from £25.00)
Dominic Marner
St. Cuthbert: His Life and Cult in Medieval Durham. (hb) £6.00
Mechthild of Magdeburg
Selections: The Flowing Light of the Godhead; tr. Elizabeth A. Andersen. (hb) £14.50 (reduced from £50.00)
Christine Meek and Catherine Lawless, eds.
Studies on Medieval and Early Modern Women: Pawns or Players? (pb) £7.00
Noël James Menuge
Medieval English Wardship in Romance and Law. (hb) £6.00 (reduced from £50.00)
John Morris, ed.
Domesday Book: vol. 13, Buckinghamshire. (hb) £6.00
Bezalel Narkiss
The Golden Haggadah. (pb) £6.00
Joe Nickell
The Jesus Relics: From the Holy Grail to the Turin Shroud. (hb) £6.50 (reduced from £20.00)
James J. O’Donnell
Avatars of the Word: From Papyrus to Cyberspace. (hb) £6.00 (reduced from $41.50)
B. M. Pande
Qutb Minar and its Monuments. (hb) £6.00 (reduced from Rs645.00)
L. M. Paterson and S. B. Gaunt, eds.
The Troubadours and the Epic: Essays in Memory of W. Mary Hackett. (pb) £6.00 (reduced from £9.95)
F. E. Peters
The Voice, the Word, the Books: The Sacred Scripture of the Jews, Christians and Muslims. (hb) £7.50 (reduced from £20.00)
Denis Renevey
Language, Self and Love: Hermeneutics in the Writings of Richard Rolle and the Commentaries on the Song of Songs. (hb) £6.00
Michael Roberts and Simone Clarke, eds.
Women and Gender in Early Modern Wales. (pb) £6.00 (reduced from £17.99)
David Rundle, gen. ed.
The Hutchinson Encyclopedia of the Renaissance. (pb) £6.00 (reduced from £17.99)
Christopher Sawyer-Lauçanno
The World’s Words: A Semiotic Reading of James Joyce’s Finnegans Wake and Rabelais’ Gargantua et Pantagruel. (pb) £6.00
Larry Scanlon, ed.
The Cambridge Companion to Medieval English Literature, 1100-1500. (hb) £14.50 (reduced from £57.00)
Gwen Seabourne
Royal Regulation of Loans and Sales in Medieval England: “Monkish Superstition and Civil Tyranny”. (hb) £10.00 (reduced from £55.00)
Edmund Spenser
Shorter Poems: A Selection; ed. John Lee. (pb) £6.00
Richard E. Sullivan, ed.
“The Gentle Voices of Teachers”: Aspects of Learning in the Carolingian Age. (pb) £10.00
Michael Swanton
English Poetry before Chaucer. (pb) £8.00 (reduced from £15.99)
Christian W. Troll, ed.
Muslim Shrines in India: Their Character, History and Significance; 2nd edn. (hb) £15.00
R. C. van Caenegem, ed.
English Lawsuits from William I to Richard I: Volume II, Henry II and Richard I (Nos. 347-665). (hb) £45.00
R. C. Van Caenegem
History of Law, History, The Low Countries and Europe. (hb) £6.00
R. C. Van Caenegem
Legal History: A European Perspective. (hb) £10.00
Yoko Wada, ed.
A Companion to Ancrene Wisse. (hb) £10.00 (reduced from £60.00)
Benedicta Ward
High King of Heaven: Aspects of Early English Spirituality. (pb) £6.00 (reduced from £16.99)
Alan Watson
Legal Origins and Legal Change. (hb) £6.00
Martyn Whittock
Investigating History: Medieval Britain 1066-1500. (pb) £6.00 (reduced from £8.99)
Trea Wiltshire
Angkor: Celestial Cities of the Khmer Empire. (hb) £5.00 (reduced from £10.00)
Joseph. S. Wittig
Piers Plowman Concordance. (hb) £50.00 (reduced from £225.00/$325.00)
About the unused bargains page
This page lists a selection of new books at bargain prices, from sources such as publishers’ remainders and overstocks.The books listed on this page are offered at well under their recommended retail prices, but in most cases they are new and unused; as of 2024, many of them have been in storage for a number of years and may show evidence of this such as yellowing or speckled pages, and minor scuffs on the covers; in other respects, unless stated otherwise, they are offered as free of major defects. Unless stated on the product page they are not supplied in sealed plastic shrink-wrap. Please enquire if you wish to order one as a gift and you will be advised it is not in a suitable condition.
Most of these books are available only in limited quantities so they are offered subject to availability. They are offered by medievalbookshop only in the formats and editions stated: hardbacks have dustjackets except where stated otherwise. ‘In print’ prices have been obtained from the publisher or an on-line retailer such as Amazon: these are retail prices recommended by the publishers. They were current at the time each listing made and may differ from any prices printed on the books themselves, but they may not have been checked since first being listed on this page. A title is assumed to be out of print if no current price can be found readily. Books listed as ‘bargain price reprint’ or similar may have a higher price printed on them, but have usually been specifically issued for sale at the lower ‘bargain’ price and may not have been offered elsewhere at the higher price. Any of the books listed on this page may be available in different editions or at different prices from other dealers.
The descriptions of each book’s content are taken from the publishers’ blurbs or web sites and do not represent independent opinions.
See also the shop returns page which offers single copies of books stamped as ‘damaged’ — usually they have little wrong with them and provide some excellent bargains!
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