Bargain books on the Middle Ages and all related subjects
Primary sources
AnthologiesThis page was last updated May 24th, 2024
Items on this page are listed by editor’s name: anononymous | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
[No Author].
Camden Miscellany Vol. XXIV. (hb) £4.50
[No Author].
Norse Tales of Legends, Gods and Heroes. (hb) £6.00
[No author].
The Pardoner and the Friar, 1533, ed. G. R. Proudfoot; The Four Ps, ?1544, ed. L. M. Clopper. (Malone Society Nos. 144/145; hb) £6.00
[No author].
Ptolemy, The Almagest ; Copernicus, On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres; Kepler, Epitome of Copernican Astronomy, IV-V; Harmonies of the World, V. (hb) £6.00
[No Author].
Scottish History Society: Miscellany XI. (hb) £6.00
Fleur Adcock
The Virgin and the Nightingale: Medieval Latin Poems. (pb) £3.00
Juan Ainaud de Lasarte
Romanesque Catalan Art: Panel Painting. (pb) £4.00
Philip S. Alexander, ed.
Textual Sources for the Study of Judaism. (hb) £10.00
John Allen, ed.
Three Medieval Plays: Coventry Nativity Play; Everyman; Master Pierre Pathelin. (hb) £5.00
C. T. Allmand and C. A. J. Armstrong, eds.
English Suits before the Parlement of Paris, 1420-1436. (hb) £6.00
Giancarlo Andenna and Barbara Bombi, eds.
I Cristiani e il favoloso Egitto: Una relazione dall'Oriente e la storia di Damietta di Oliviero da Colonia. (pb) £11.00
Ian W. Archer, ed., et al
Religion, Politics, and Society in Sixteenth-Century England. (hb) £25.00
Morris S. Arnold, ed.
Select Cases of Trespass from the King’s Courts 1307-1399. (hb) £60.00 for 2‑vol set
Roxane Arnold and Olive Chandler, eds.
Feminine Singular: Triumphs and Tribulations of the Single Woman, an Anthology. (hb) £6.00
O.-L. Aubert
Celtic Legends of Brittany. (pb) £3.00
David Ayerst & A. S. T. Fisher.
Records of Christianity, vol. II: Christendom. (hb) £6.00
Derek Baker, ed.
England in the Later Middle Ages. (pb) £8.50
Richard Barber, ed. & trans.
Legends of King Arthur. (hb, Folio Soc., 3‑vol. set) £35.00
The Life and Campaigns of the Black Prince, from contemporary letters, diaries & chronicles, including Chandos Herald’s Life of the Black Prince. (hb, Folio Soc.) £9.50
Ernest Barker, trans.
From Alexander to Constantine: Social and Political Ideas 336 BC — AD 337. (hb) £10.00
Anne Clark Bartlett and Thomas H. Bestul, eds.
Cultures of Piety: Medieval English Devotional Literature in Translation. (hb) £20.00
Kenneth R. Bartlett, ed.
The Civilization of the Italian Renaissance: A Sourcebook. (pb) £6.50
Alice Beardwood, ed.
Records of the Trial of Walter Langeton, Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, 1307-1312. (hb) £6.00
N. H. Bennett, ed.
The Register of Richard Fleming, Bishop of Lincoln, 1420-1431; Vol. II. (hb) £15.00
Alan Boase, ed.
The Poetry of France, Volume I, 1400-1600: an anthology. (hb) £7.00
Andrew Boyle, ed.; Lucy Allen Paton, intro.
Morte Arthur: Two Early English Romances. (Everyman’s Library; hb) £6.50
Derek Brewer, ed.
Medieval Comic Tales, 2nd edn. (pb) £9.50
Elisabeth Brewer, comp.
Sir Gawain & the Green Knight: Sources & Analogues. (hb) £15.00
Maria Teresa Brolis, Giovanni Brembilla, Micaela Corato, eds.
La matricola femminile della Misericordia di Bergamo (1265-1339). (pb) £12.00
G. L. Brook, ed.
The Harley Lyrics: The Middle English Lyrics of M.S. Harley 2253, 4th edn. (hb) £12.00
Gene Brucker, ed.
Two Memoirs of Renaissance Florence: The Diaries of Buonaccorso Pitti & Gregorio Dati. (pb) £6.00
Charles Burns, ed.
Calendar of Papal Letters to Scotland of Clement VII of Avignon 1378-1394. (hb) £8.00
Salvator Butler, OFM, trans.
We Were With St. Francis: An Early Franciscan Story. (pb) £2.50
Manuel Morillo Caballero, ed. Romancero. (pb) £4.50
[No author].
Camden Miscellany vol. XXXIV: Chronology, Conquest and Conflict in Medieval England. (hb) £6.00
A. C. Cawley, ed.
Everyman and Medieval Miracle Plays. (hb) £3.50
Everyman and Medieval Miracle Plays. (pb) £5.00
Gustavo Rodolfo Ceriello, ed.
Il rimatori del Dolce Stil Novo: Guido Guinizelli, Guido Cavalcanti, Lapo Gianni, Gianni Alfani, Dino Frescobaldi, Cino da Pistoia. (pb) £5.00
E. K. Chambers & F. Sidgwick, eds.
Early English Lyrics Amorous, Divine, Moral & Trivial. (hb) £6.00
Joseph P. Clancy, trans.
Medieval Welsh Lyrics. (hb) £11.00
Tim Coates, ed.
Letters of Henry VIII, 1526-29; collated from the work of J. S. Brewer. (pb) £3.00
H. S. Cobb, ed.
The Overseas Trade of London: Exchequer Customs Accounts, 1480-1. (hb) £10.00
John P. Collas and Sir William S. Holdsworth, eds.
Year Books of Edward II: 11 Edward II, AD 1317-1318. (hb) £30.00
Jim Colville, trans.
Two Andalusian Philosophers: The Story of Hayy ibn Yaqzan, by Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Tufayl; & The Definitive Statement, by Abu’l Walid Muhammad ibn Rushd. (hb) £25.00
Peter Coss, ed.
The Langley Cartulary. (hb) £9.00
Sarah Costley and Charles Kightly, eds.
A Celtic Book of Days. (hb) £3.50
James E. Cross, ed.
Cambridge Pembroke College Ms. 25: A Carolingian Sermonary used by Anglo-Saxon Preachers. (pb) £11.00
Kevin Crossley-Holland, trans.
The Anglo-Saxon World. (hb) £6.00
The Anglo-Saxon World: An Anthology. (pb) £5.00
Norman Davis
Sweet’s Anglo-Saxon Primer; 9th edn. (hb) £5.00
Sweet’s Anglo-Saxon Primer; 9th edn. (pb) £5.00
R. T. Davies, ed.
Medieval English Lyrics: A Critical Anthology. (pb) £6.00
R. H. C. Davis, ed.
The Kalendar of Abbot Samson of Bury St. Edmunds and Related Documents. (hb) £8.00
Trevor Dean, trans.
The Towns of Italy in the Later Middle Ages. (pb) £8.50
Jenny De Gex, ed.
A Medieval Herbal. (hb) £5.00
Mike Dixon-Kennedy
The Robin Hood Handbook: The Outlaw in History, Myth and Legend. (pb) £5.00
T. A. Dorey and Allison Leon, eds.
The Norman Kings. (hb) £5.00
David C. Douglas and George W. Greenaway, eds.
English Historical Documents 1042-1189. (hb) £40.00
John Dover-Wilson, ed.
Life in Shakespeare’s England: A Book of Elizabethan Prose. (pb) £5.00
F. R. H. Du Boulay, gen. ed.
Kent Records: Documents Illustrative of Medieval Kentish Society. (hb) £20.00
Mark Eccles, ed.
The Macro Plays: The Castle of Perseverance; Wisdom; Mankind. (hb) £6.00
C. R. Elrington, ed.
Abstracts of Feet of Fines relating to Gloucestershire, 1199-1299. (hb) £15.00
Abstracts of Feet of Fines Relating to Wiltshire for the Reign of Edward III. (hb) £8.50
G. R. Elvey, ed.
Luffield Priory Charters. (hb, 2 vols.) £7.00
Audrey M. Erskine, ed. & trans.
The Accounts of the Fabric of Exeter Cathedral, 1279-1353: Part 2, 1328-1353. (pb) £7.50
Ruth Etchells, ed.
A Selection from the Early English Poets: Caedmon to Thomas More. (hb) £3.50
Christopher Falkus, ed.
The Private Lives of the Tudor Monarchs. (hb, Folio Soc.) £6.00
Henry George Farmer
Sa’adyah Gaon on the Influence of Music / Maimonides on Listening to Music / "Ghosts": An excursus on Arabic musical bibliographies. (hb) £50.00
Hugh Feiss, OSB, ed. & trans.
Essential Monastic Wisdom: Writings on the Contemplative Life. (hb) £6.00
C. L. Feltoe and Ellis H. Minns, eds.
Vetus Liber Archidiaconi Eliensis. (pb) £30.00
Edward Fitzgerald
Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam and Bird Parliament; ed. Tony Briggs. (pb) £5.00
Barbara Hughes Fowler
Songs of a Friend: Love Lyrics of Medieval Portugal: Selections from Cantigas de Amigo. (hb) £19.50
John Fox
The Poetry of Fifteenth-Century France, II: Versification and Texts. (pb) £6.50
Timothy Freke
The Wisdom of the Sufi Sages. (hb) £4.50
Ann Fremantle, ed.
The Age of Belief: The Medieval Philosophers. (pb) £4.00
A. D. Galloway, ed.
Basic Readings in Theology. (pb) £5.00
Elizabeth Gemmill, ed.
Aberdeen Guild Court Records 1437-1468. (hb) £8.50
Jean-Philippe Genet, ed.
Four English Political Tracts of the Later Middle Ages. (hb) £8.00
Marion Gibbs, ed.
Early Charters of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, London. (hb) £20.00
Chris Given-Wilson, trans
Chronicles of the Revolution, 1397-1400: The Reign of Richard II. (pb) £10.00
Norma Lorre Goodrich
Medieval Myths. (pb) £2.50
A. J. Grant, trans.
Early Lives of Charlemagne by Eginhard & The Monk of St. Gall. (hb, The Medieval Library) £6.00
Douglas Gray, ed.
The Oxford Book of Late Medieval Verse and Prose. (hb) £6.00
George Greenaway, ed.
The Life and Death of Thomas Becket, based on the account of William fitzStephen, with additions from other contemporary sources. (hb, Folio Soc.) £6.00
Geoffrey Grigson, ed.
The Three Kings: A Christmas Book of Carols, Poems and Pieces, with an Account of the Legend. (hb) £8.00
Primo Griguolo and Donato Gallo, eds.
I cartulari di S. Pietro in Maone presso rovigo (sec. XII-XV). (hb) £25.00
H. A. Guerber
Middle Ages: Myths and Legends. (pb) £1.50
May and Hallberg Hallmundsson, trans.
Icelandic Folk and Fairy Tales. (pb) £6.00
Richard Hamer, ed.
A Choice of Anglo-Saxon Verse. (pb) £3.50
Simon Harris, ed.
The Communion Chants of the Thirteenth-Century Byzantine Asmatikon. (hb) £30.00
W. O. Hassall, comp.
They Saw It Happen: An Anthology of Eye-witnesses' Accounts of Events in British History, 55 BC-AD 1485. (hb) £9.00
They Saw It Happen: An Anthology of Eye-witnesses' Accounts of Events in British History, 55 BC-AD 1485. (pb) £4.50
Enrique García Hernán, ed.
Monumenta Borgia VI (1478-1551): Sanctus Franciscus Borgia Quartus Gandiae Dux et Societatis Iesu Praepositus Generalis Tertius 1510-1572. (pb) £10.00
Judith Herrin, ed.
A Medieval Miscellany; intro. Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie (hb) £10.00
Rev. F. C. Hingeston, ed.
Royal and Historical Letters during the Reign of Henry the Fourth: Vol. I, A.D. 1399-1404. (hb) £14.50
Matthew Hodgart, ed.
The Faber Book of Ballads. (hb) £4.00
Graham Holderness
Craeft: Poems from the Anglo-Saxon. (pb) £4.00
Cecil Jane, ed.
The Four Voyages of Columbus: A History in Eight Documents. (pb) £8.00
R. C. Johnston and J. A. Noonan, eds.
Passages for Translation from Old French, Selected from 12th-Century Writers; 2nd edn. (pb) £5.00
R. C. Johnston & D. D. R. Owen, eds.
Two Old French Gauvain Romances: Part I, Le Chevalier à l’épée and La mule sans frein; Part II, Parallel Readings with Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. (hb) £10.00
Björn Jónasson, trans.
Hávamál: The Sayings of the Vikings. (hb) £5.00
Otto Karrer, ed.
St. Francis of Assisi and Others: The Little Flowers, Legends, and Lauds. (pb) £6.00
Ruth Kennedy, ed.
Three Alliterative Saints’ Hymns: Late Middle English Stanzaic Poems. (hb) £10.00
N. R. Ker
Records of All Souls Library 1437-1600. (hb) £6.00
Julius Kirshner and Karl F. Morrison, eds.
Medieval Europe. (pb) £8.00
C. J. Kitching, intro.
Tudor Royal Letters: The Family of Henry VIII: Facsimiles with an Introduction. (pb) £5.00
Louis F. Klipstein, ed.
Analecta Anglo-Saxonica; Vol. 1 only. (hb) £10.00
T. J. Knab, ed.
A Scattering of Jades: Stories, Poems, and Prayers of the Aztecs. (pb) £6.00
Norman Kretzmann and Eleanor Stump, eds.
The Cambridge Translations of Medieval Philosophical Texts: Vol. 1, Logic and the Philosophy of Language. (hb) £30.00
Jeanne Krochalis and Edward Peters, trans.
The World of Piers Plowman. (pb) £6.00
Emanuela Lanza, ed.
Le carte del capitolo della cattedrale di Verona, I (1101-1151). (hb) £20.00
Peter M. Lefferts, ed.
Robertus de Handlo, Regule/The Rules, and Johannes Hanboys, Summa/The Summa: A new critical text and translation. (hb) £20.00
Mortimer Levine, ed.
Tudor Dynastic Problems, 1460-1571. (hb) £6.00
B. J. Levy, ed.; notes by C. E. Pickford.
Selected Fabliaux, edited from B.N. Fonds Français 837, Fonds Français 19152 and Berlin Hamilton 257. (pb) £4.00
Eleanor C. Lodge and Gladys A. Thornton, eds.
English Constitutional Documents 1307-1485. (hb) £6.50
Elizabeth Longford, ed.
The Oxford Book of Royal Anecdotes. (pb) £2.50
Bryce D. Lyon, ed.
The High Middle Ages 1000-1300. (pb) £7.00
Malcolm C. Lyons with Ursula Lyons, trans.
Three Tales from the Arabian Nights; intro. Robert Irwin. (hb) £5.00
Anne McCaffrey with Richard Woods
A Diversity of Dragons; ill. by John Howe. (hb) £30.00
David Willis McCullough, ed.
Chronicles of the Barbarians: Firsthand Accounts of Pillage and Conquest, from the Ancient World to the Fall of Constantinople. (hb) £14.50
Ian MacDonald, ed.
Saint Bride. (pb) £4.00
Francis McGurk, ed.
Calendar of Papal Letters to Scotland of Benedict XIII of Avignon 1394-1419. (hb) £8.00
Allan H. MacLaine, ed.
The Christis Kirk Tradition: Scots Poems of Folk Festivity. (hb) £10.00
Kenneth McLeish
Myths and Folkstories of Britain and Ireland. (hb) £6.50
Michael W. McLellan
Monasticism in Egypt: Images and Words of the Desert Fathers. (hb) £35.00
Warwick Paul Marett
A Calendar of the Register of Henry Wakefeld, Bishop of Worcester 1375-95. (hb) £6.00
G. H. Martin, ed.
The Royal Charters of Grantham 1463-1688. (hb) £20.00
Eugene Mason, trans.
Lays of Marie de France and Other French Legends. (hb) £6.00
William Matthews
Later Medieval English Prose. (hb) £6.00
D. J. Medley, ed.
Original Illustrations of English Constitutional History. (hb) £7.00
W. M. Metcalfe, trans.
Ancient Lives of Scottish Saints: Part 1, Ninian by Ailred of Rievaux and Two Lives of Columba by Cuimine the Fair and Adamnan; Part 2, Kentigern by Jocelin, Servanus, Margaret of Scotland by Turgot, and Magnus. (pb) £10.00 for 2 vols
Maldwyn Mills, ed.
Six Middle English Romances. (pb) £5.00
Bruce Mitchell
(w/ Fred C. Robinson): A Guide to Old English, revised with texts & glossary; [3rd edn.] (pb) £3.00
A Guide to Old English, 2nd edn. (pb) £4.00
Gordon Mursell, comp.
The Wisdom of the Anglo-Saxons. (hb) £4.50
H. M. Nahmad, trans.
A Portion in Paradise and other Jewish Folktales. (hb) £12.00
Eoin Neeson
Celtic Myths and Legends. (pb) £6.00
Elisabeth Nissen, ed.
Les Chansons attribuées a Guiot de Dijon et Jocelin. (hb) £6.00
Thomas F. X. Noble and Thomas Head, eds.
Soldiers of Christ: Saints and Saints’ Lives from Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages. (pb) £12.50
S. J. O’Connor, ed.
A Calendar of the Cartularies of John Pyel and Adam Fraunceys. (hb) £6.00
Eileen O’Faolain
Irish Sagas and Folk-Tales; ill. Joan Kiddell-Monroe. (hb) £4.00
Thomas H. Ohlgren, ed.
Medieval Outlaws: Ten Tales in Modern English. (hb) £6.00
Karl Paetow
Rübezahl: Sagen und Legenden. (pb) £2.50
R. I. Page
Chronicles of the Vikings: Records, Memorials and Myths. (hb) £15.00
Chronicles of the Vikings: Records, Memorials and Myths. (pb) £9.50
Anthony Palmer, ed.
Tudor Churchwardens’ Accounts. (hb) £15.00
Carl Parrish, ed.
(w/ John F. Ohl, eds.): Masterpieces of Music Before 1750: Anthology from Gregorian Chant to J. S. Bach. (hb) £6.00
A Treasury of Early Music: An Anthology of Masterworks of the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, and the Baroque Era. (hb) £6.00
D. Parry-Jones
Welsh Legends and Fairy Lore. (hb) £5.00
Eduard Petiška
A Treasury of Tales from the Kingdom of Bohemia. (hb) £8.00
Michael Prestwich, ed.
Documents Illustrating the Crisis of 1297-98 in England. (hb) £6.50
Glanville Price, ed.
William, Count of Orange: Four Old French Epics. (hb) £7.50
Ralph B. Pugh, ed.
Court Rolls of the Wiltshire Manors of Adam de Stratton. (hb) £12.00
Rosalind Ransford, ed.
The Early Charters of Waltham Abbey, 1062-1230. (hb) £30.00
Natale Rauty, ed.
Statuti Pistoiesi del Secolo XII: Breve dei Consoli (1140-1180); Statuto del Podestà (1162-1180). (pb) £11.00
Marjorie Reeves and Jenyth Worsley
Favourite Hymns: 2000 Years of Magnificat. (hb) £6.00
E. E. Reynolds, ed.
William Roper & Nicholas Harpsfield: Lives of Saint Thomas More. (hb) £6.00
James Rhoades, trans.
The Little Flowers of St. Francis of Assisi and The Life of Brother Giles. (hb) £6.00
A. G. Rigg
A Glastonbury Miscellany of the 15th Century: Trinity College, Cambridge, Ms. O.9.38. (hb) 20.00
Henry Thomas Riley, ed.
Chronica monasterii S. Albani: Johannis de Trokelowe et Henrici de Blanefore, monachorum S. Albani, necnon quorundam anonymorum Chronica et Annales. (hb) £20.00
Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Dante and his Circle: with the Italian Poets Preceding Him (1100-1200-1300): A Collection of Lyrics, edited, and translated in the original metres. (hb) £7.00
Gilbert Rouger, trans.
Fabliaux. (pb) £2.00
A. L. Rowse, ed.
A Man of Singular Virtue, being A Life of Sir Thomas More by his son-in-law William Roper and a selection of More’s Letters. (hb) £6.00
Wilhelm Ruland
Legends of the Rhine. (hb) £5.00
E. G. Rupp & Benjamin Drewer, eds.
Martin Luther. (pb) £5.00
[Harald Salfellner, ed.]
The Prague Golem: Jewish Stories of the Ghetto. (pb) £3.50
Richard Salter
Elizabeth I and her Reign. (pb) £3.50
Avrom Saltman, ed.
The Kniveton Leiger. (hb) £25.00
The Kniveton Leiger. (pb) £10.00
Donald B. Sands, ed.
Middle English Verse Romances. (pb) £10.00
Jane E. Sayers
Original Papal Documents in England and Wales from the Accession of Pope Innocent III to the Death of Pope Benedict XI (1198-1304). (hb) £50.00
Franco Scarmoncin, ed.
I documenti dell’archivo capitolare di Vicenza (1083-1259). (hb) £25.00
Tom Scott, ed.
Late Medieval Scots Poetry: A Selection from the Makars and their Heirs down to 1610. (hb) £5.00
W. S. Scott, trans.
The Trial of Joan of Arc, Being a verbatim report of the proceedings from the Orleans Manuscript. (hb) £5.00
Robert Sewell
A Forgotten Empire (Vijayanagar): A Contribution to the History of India. (hb) £14.50
Norman R. Shapiro, trans.
The Comedy of Eros: Medieval French Guides to the Art of Love, 2nd edn. (pb) £8.00
Margaret R. B. Shaw, trans.
Joinville and Villehardouin: Chronicles of the Crusades. (pb) £6.00
J. H. Shennan
Government and Society in France 1461-1661. (hb) £6.00
Michael J. Shire
The Jewish Prophet: Visionary Words from Moses & Miriam to Szold & Heschel. (hb) £4.50
Celia and Kenneth Sisam, eds.
The Oxford Book of Medieval English Verse. (hb) £9.00
David M. Smith
A Calendar of the Register of Robert Waldby, Archbishop of York, 1397. (pb) £6.00
Maxwell Staniforth, trans.
Early Christian Writings: The Apostolic Fathers. (pb) £2.00
David Starkey, ed.
Rivals in Power: Lives and Letters of the Great Tudor Dynasties. (hb) £4.00
Peter N. Stearns, ed.
World History in Documents: A Comparative Reader. (pb) £6.00
Francis W. Steer, ed.
Scriveners' Company Common Paper 1357-1678, With a Continuation to 1678. (hb) £20.00
Brian Stone, trans.
Medieval English Verse. (pb) £4.00
William P. Stoneman, ed.
Corpus of British Medieval Library Catalogues, 5: Dover Priory. (hb) £35.00
William Stubbs, ed.; rev. H. W. C. Davis.
Select Charters and Other Illustrations of English Constitutional History from the Earliest Times to the Reign of Edward the First, 9th edition. (hb) £7.00
Michael Swanton, trans.
Anglo-Saxon Prose. (pb) £6.50
Henry Sweet, ed.
Sweet’s Anglo-Saxon Reader; 14th edn., C. T. Onions, rev. (hb) £6.00
D. W. Sylvester
History of educational Documents 800-1816. (hb) £10.00
Marcelle Thiébaux, trans.
The Writings of Medieval Women: An Anthology, 2nd edn. (pb) £13.50
A. Hamilton Thompson, ed; text prepared by J. Meade Faulkner
The Statutes of the Cathedral Church of Durham, with other documents relating to its foundation and endowment. (hb) £25.00
Lewis Thorpe, trans.
The Bayeux Tapestry and the Norman Invasion from the contemporary account of William of Poitiers. (hb, Folio Soc.) £6.00
Larissa Tracy, trans.
Women of the Gilte Legende: A Selection of Middle English Saints᾿ Lives. (hb) £6.00
[No author].
Tres Indices Expurgatorios de la Inquisicion Española en el Siglo XVI: salen nuevamente a luz reproducidos en facsimil por acuerdo de la Real Academia Española. (pb) £15.00
C. A. Trypanis
Medieval and Modern Greek Poetry: An Anthology. (hb) £20.00
Ryusaku Tsunoda, Wm. Theodore De Bary, Donald Keene, comps.
Sources of Japanese Tradition. (2 vols, pb) £15.00
R. C. van Caenegem, ed.
English Lawsuits from William I to Richard I: Volume II, Henry II and Richard I (Nos. 347-665). (hb) £45.00
Robert Van de Weyer, comp.
Celtic Fire: An Anthology of Celtic Christian Literature. (pb) £3.50
Carl von Kraus, ed.
Des Minnesangs Frühling Nach Karl Lachmann, Moriz Haupt und Friedrich Vogt, 32 auflage. (hb) £6.00
Helen Waddell
Beasts and Saints. (hb) £8.00
Songs of the Wandering Scholars; ed. Dame Felicitas Corrigan. (hb, Folio Soc.) £10.00
Max Wehrli, ed.
Minnesang vom Kürenberger bis Wolfram. (pb) £6.00
Nigel Wilkins, ed.
One Hundred Ballades, Rondeaux and Virelais from the Late Middle Ages. (hb) £15.00
James J. Willehalm and Laila Zamuelis Gross, eds.
The Romance of Arthur. (hb) £6.00
Bob Willoughby, trans.
Voices from Ancient Ireland: A Book of Early Irish Poetry. (pb) £5.00
David Fenwick Wilson
Music of the Middle Ages: An Anthology for Performance and Study. (pb) £25.00
Karen A. Winstead, ed. & trans.
Chaste Passions: Medieval English Virgin Martyr Legends. (hb) £15.00
B. P. Wolffe
The Crown Lands 1461-1536. (pb) £7.00
Clifton Wolters, trans
The Cloud of Unknowing and Other Works. (pb) £2.00
Linnea H. Wren and David J. Wren, eds.
Perspectives on Western Art: Source Documents and Readings from the Ancient Near East through the Middle Ages. (pb) £12.00
This page lists the used books in stock containing Anthologies of primary source material, either in translation or in the original languages. Books on this page are mostly listed by the editor’s name, or the name of the first editor if there is more than one. Titles that appear in series may be included on the Books in series page or the Journals & partworks page. Use the scroll bars below to browse editions or single works: primary sources are listed by author if a name is known — if a work has multiple authors, the first-named is the one used for listing — otherwise they are listed by title under “anonymous”.
See the “book descriptions” page for explanations of the descriptions used in this listing.
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Primary sources | anthologies | anononymous | facsimile | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
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