Bargain books on the Middle Ages and all related subjects
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Secondary sources — CThis page was last updated November 30th, 2023
P. Angelo M. Caccin, OP
S. Marie della Grazie and Leonardo’s Last Supper; 2nd edn. (pb) £5.00
Barbara Cahill
Dominic the Preacher. (pb) £4.50
Graham Caie, Rodrick J. Lyall, Sally Mapstone and Kenneth Simpson, eds.
The European Sun: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Medieval & Renaissance Scottish Language & Literature. (pb) £15.00
Louis Caillet
La Papauté d’Avignon et l’Église de France. (pb) £15.00
Peter Caine
The Definitive Guide to the Da Vinci Code Paris Walks. (pb) £5.00
Trevor Cairns
The Middle Ages. (pb) £5.00
Julian Calder, Alastair Bruce, and Mark Cator
Keepers of the Kingdom: The Ancient Offices of Britain. (pb) £9.50
William Calin
A Muse for Heroes: Nine Centuries of the Epic in France. (hb) £10.00
Robert G. Calkins
Monuments of Medieval Art. (hb) £6.00
Programs of Medieval Illumination. (hb) £20.00
Joseph Calmette, with R. Grousset & J.-J. Gruber
Atlas historique: II, Le Moyen âge. (pb) £8.00
Helen Cam
England Before Elizabeth. (hb) £6.00
England Before Elizabeth. (pb) £4.50
William Camden
Camden’s Britannia: Kent, from the edition of 1789 by Richard Gough; ed. Gordon J. Copley. (hb) £4.50
Kenneth Cameron
The Significance of English Place-Names. (pb) £6.50
James Campbell, ed.
The Anglo-Saxons; with Eric John & Patrick Wormald. (hb) £12.00
Kimberlee Anne Campbell
The Protean text: A Study of Versions of the Medieval French Legend of “Doon and Olive”. (hb) £20.00
Piero Camporesi
La carne impassibile: Salve e salute fra Medioevo e Controriforma, 3rd edn. (hb) £15.00
J. Douglas Canfield
Word as Bond in English Literature from the Middle Ages to the Restoration. (hb) £10.00
Luciano Canonici
The Land of Saint Francis: Umbria and its Surroundings. (pb) £6.00
Leonard Cantor
The Changing English Countryside 1400-1700. (hb) £6.00
Norman F. Cantor
In the Wake of the Plague: The Black Death and the World it Made. (hb) £5.00
Medieval Lives: Eight Charismatic Men and Women of the Middle Ages. (hb) £10.00
Roger Caratini
Attila. (pb) £8.50
Don Carleton
Ireland the Great: How the Irish brought Christianity to North America 1500 years ago. (pb) £6.00
James P. Carley
Glastonbury Abbey: The Holy House at the Head of the Moors Adventurous. (hb) £6.00
(w/ Marie Axton, (eds.): “Triumphs of English”: Henry Parker, Lord Morley, Translator to the Court: New Essays in Interpretation. (hb) £10.00
Enzo Carli, José Gudiol, Geneviève Souchal
Gothic Painting. (pb) £6.00
J. Neale Carman
A Study of the Pseudo-Map Cycle of Arthurian Romance. (hb) £10.00
G. Carotti
A History of Art: vol. III. Italian Art in the Middle Ages. Art in Upper and Southern Italy. (hb) £10.00
Edward Carpenter & Adrian Hastings
Cantuar: The Archbishops in their Office; 3rd edn. (hb) £15.00
A. D. Carr
Llewelyn ap Gruffydd, ?-1282. (pb) £5.00
E. H. Carr
What is History? (pb) £2.00
Carlo Carretto
I, Francis: The Spirit of St. Francis of Assisi. (pb) £1.50
John Carroll
The Wreck of Western Culture: Humanism Revisited; new edn. (pb) £6.00
J. A. Carruth
Heroic Wallace and Bruce. (pb) £2.00
Patricia Carson
The Fair Face of Flanders. (hb) £6.00
Charles H. Carter, ed.
From the Renaissance to the Counter-Reformation: Essays in honour of Garrett Mattingly. (hb) £6.00
Robert A. Carter
A Visitor’s Guide to Yorkshire Churches. (pb) £2.50
Julia Cartwright
Mantegna and Francia. (pb) £5.00
E. M. Carus-Wilson, ed.
Essays in Economic History: Reprints edited for The Economic History Society, Volume Two. (pb) £7.00
Martin Carver
Underneath English Towns: Interpreting Urban Archaeology. (hb) £10.00
Edwin Casady
Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey. (pb) £8.00
Lluís Casals, photographer
The Alhambra of Granada; text by Félix Bayón. (pb) £3.50
Richard F. Cassady
The Norman Achievement. (hb) £8.00
Rodney Castleden
King Arthur: The Truth Behind the Legend. (hb) £15.00
H. W. Catling, rev.
Notes on Brass-Rubbing, with a list of some brasses in the Oxford region, 6th edn. (pb) £4.50
Mark Cator, Alastair Bruce, Julian Calder
Keepers of the Kingdom: The Ancient Offices of Britain. (pb) £9.50
Jeremy Catto, intro.
Chivalry: The Path of Love. (hb) £4.00
Mysticism: The Experience of the Divine. (hb) £4.50
Jo Ann Cavallo
Boiardo’s Orlando Innamorato: An Ethics of Desire. (hb) £15.00
C. J. P. Cave
Lincoln Roof Bosses. (pb) £4.00
Emma Cayley
Debate and Dialogue: Alain Chartier in his Cultural Context. (hb) £15.00
Centre Traditio Litterarum Occidentalium
Hermannus Werdinensis: Hortus Deliciarum, Instrumenta Lexicologica Latina. (pb + microfiches) £8.00
Jacqueline Cerquiglini-Toulet
The Color of Melancholy: The Uses of Books in the 14th Century. (hb) £15.00
Franco Cesati
The Medici: Story of a European Dynasty. (pb) £3.50
Anna Maria Cetto
The Bayeux Tapestry. (hb) £4.50
Nora K. Chadwick
The Celts. (pb) £4.50
Celtic Britain. (hb) £10.00
(w/ Myles Dillon): The Celtic Realms. (pb) £6.00
Graham Chainey, comp.
In Celebration of King’s College Chapel. (pb) £5.00
E. R. Chamberlin
The Bad Popes. (hb) £8.00
The Sack of Rome. (hb) £5.00
The World of the Italian Renaissance. (hb) £6.00
Russell Chamberlin
Carisbrooke Castle. (pb) £3.50
Charlemagne: Emperor of the Western World. (hb) £6.00
D. S. Chambers
The Imperial Age of Venice, 1380-1580. (pb) £8.00
E. K. Chambers
Sir Thomas Malory. (pb) £5.00
James Chambers
The Devil’s Horsemen: the Mongol Invasion of Europe. (hb) £6.00
Genghis Khan. (pb) £2.50
R. W. Chambers
Man’s Unconquerable Mind: Studies of English Writers, from Bede to A. E. Housman and W. P. Ker. (hb) £6.00
Timothy Champion, Stephen Shennan, and Paul Cuming
Planning for the Past, Volume 3: Decision-Making and Field Methods in Archaeological Evaluation. (pb) £6.00
Valerie E. Chancellor
Medieval and Tudor Britain. (pb) £5.00
John Chandler and Derek Parker
Wiltshire Churches: An Illustrated History. (hb) £10.00
Manolis Chatzidakis and André Grabar
Byzantine and Early Medieval Painting. (pb) £6.00
Nicolas Cheetham
The Keepers of the Keys: The Pope in History. (hb) £6.00
John Cherry and Ian Longworth, eds.
Archaeology in Britain since 1945. (pb) £6.00
G. K. Chesterton
Chaucer. (pb) £5.00
Maria Chiabò and Luciana Roberti, eds.
Index Verborum Hygini de Astronomia. (hb) £15.00
Marilyn J. Chiat and Kathryn L. Reyerson, eds.
The Medieval Mediterranean: Cross-Cultural Contacts [festchrift for Carl D. Sheppard]. (pb) £20.00
Andrew A. Chibi
The European Reformation: a student’s guide to the key ideas and the events they shaped. (pb) £8.00
Marjorie Chibnall
Anglo-Norman England, 1066-1166. (hb) £10.00
Sandro Chierichetti
Ravenna: An Illustrated Guide-Book, with a plan of the monuments. (pb) £4.50
Bruce Chilton and Jacob Neusner
The Intellectual Foundations of Christian and Jewish Discourse: The Philosophy of Religious Argument. (pb) £7.00
William C. Chittick
The Sufi Doctrine of Rumi; illustrated edn. (pb) £6.50
Joan Chittister
The Rule of Benedict: Insights for the Ages. (pb) £8.00
Stanley Chodorow, MacGregor Knox, Conrad Schirokauer, Joseph R. Strayer, Hans W. Gatzke.
The Mainstream of Civilization to 1715, 5th edn. (pb) £6.00
Rouben C. Cholakian
The Troubadour Lyric: A Psychocritical Reading. (hb) £30.00
William A. Christian, Sr
Doctrines of Religious Communities: A Philosophical Study. (hb) £12.00
R. W. Church (Dean Church)
Dante, and St. Anselm. (hb) £7.50
Life and Letters of Dean Church, ed. Mary Church. (hb) £6.00
Saint Anselm. (hb) £4.00
Spenser; 2nd edn. (hb) £5.00
Tobias Churton
The Gnostics. (pb) £6.00
Carlo M. Cipolla
Before the Industrial Revolution: European Society and Economy, 1000-1700; 2nd edn. (hb) £8.00
The Economic History of World Population, 7th edn. (pb) £2.00
M. T. Clanchy
Early Medieval England (as part of Folio Soc. History of England set). (hb) £30.00 for 3‑vol. set
J. H. Clapham
A Concise Economic History of Britain, from the Earliest Times to A.D. 1750. (hb) £6.00
A. C. Clark
The Descent of Manuscripts. (hb) £12.00
Anne Clark
Beasts and Bawdy. (hb) £18.00
David Clark
Battlefield Walks: The South. (pb) £5.00
Helen Clarke
The Archaeology of Medieval England. (hb) £15.00
John Clark
Saxon and Norman London; revised edn. (pb) £3.00
Kenneth Clark
Leonardo da Vinci: An Account of his Development as an Artist, revised edn. (pb) £2.00
Simone Clarke and Michael Roberts, eds.
Women and Gender in Early Modern Wales. (pb) £6.00
Albrecht Classen, ed.
Medieval German Voices for the 21st Century: The Paradigmatic Function of Medieval German Studies for German Studies. (pb) £15.00
Dorothy J. Clayton, Richard G. Davies, Peter McNiven, eds.
Trade, Devotion and Governance: Papers in Later Medieval History. (hb) £10.00
W. H. Clemen
Chaucer’s Early Poetry. (pb) £7.00
R. Coltman Clephan
The Medieval Tournament. (pb) £5.00
James Cleugh
Love Locked Out: A Survey of Love, Licence and Restriction in the Middle Ages. (hb) £6.00
S. D. Cleveland, foreword.
Romanesque Art c 1050-1200 from collections in Great Britain and Eire, 2nd September to 1st November 1959. (pb) £6.00
Alan C. Clifford, ed.
John Calvin 500, A Reformation Affirmation: Papers delivered at the 2009 conference of the Amyraldian Association. (pb) £6.50
Chas S. Clifton
Encyclopedia of Heresies and Heretics. (pb) £6.00
James Clifton [exhibition catalogue]:
The Body of Christ in the Art of Europe and New Spain, 1150-1800; with essays by David Nirenberg & Linda Elaine Neagley. (hb, large format) £20.00
Mary Clive
This Sun of York: A Biography of Edward IV. (pb) £6.00
Cecil H. Clough, ed.
Profession, Vocation and Culture in Later Medieval England: Essays dedicated to the memory of A R. Myers. (hb) £6.00
Jonathan Coad
English Heritage Book of Dover Castle and the Defences of Dover. (pb) £7.00
Maurice Coakley
Ireland in the World Order: A History of Uneven Development. (pb) £10.00
John Coales, ed.
The Earliest English Brasses: Patronage, Style and Workshops, 1270-1350. (hb) £12.00
Nevill Coghill
Chaucer’s Idea of What is Noble. (pb) £2.00
The Collected Papers of Nevill Coghill, Shakespearian & Medievalist. (hb) £8.00
Geoffrey Chaucer. (pb) £4.50
Langland: Piers Plowman. (pb) £3.50
Ronan Coghlan
Dictionary of Irish Myth and Legend. (pb) £2.50
The Encyclopedia of Arthurian Legends; intro. John Matthews. (hb) £4.00
Yves Cohat
The Vikings: Lords of the Seas. (pb) £3.50
Gustave Cohen
La grande clarté du Moyen-Age, 2nd edn. (hb) £6.00
Marcel Cohen
Histoire d’une langue: Le français (des lointaines origines à nos jours), 4th edn. (hb) £10.00
Samuel Cohn, Jr.
The Character of Insurrection in mid-quattrocento Florence. (pb) £4.50.
L. S. Colchester; photography by George H. Hall
Wells Cathedral. (pb) £5.00
Bruce Cole
The Renaissance Artist at Work, from Pisano to Titian. (hb) £9.00
D. C. Coleman
(with A. H. John, eds.): Trade, Government and Economy in Pre-Industrial England: Essays Presented to F. J. Fisher. (hb) £15.00
Janet Coleman
English Literature in History: 1350-1400, Medieval Readers and Writers. (hb) £6.00
Mark Collard
Lothian: A Historical Guide. (pb) £5.00
Paul Collins, ed.
From Inquisition to Freedom: Seven Prominent Catholics and their Struggle with the Vatican. (pb) £8.00
Roger Collins
The Basques; 2nd edn. (pb) £15.00
EarlyMedieval Spain: Unity in Diversity, 400-1000. (hb) £6.00
Early Medieval Spain: Unity in Diversity, 400-1000. (pb) £8.50
Patrick Collinson
Elizabethans. (pb) £10.00
Maurice Collis
Cortés and Montezuma. (hb) £3.50
Micheline Comblen-Sonkes
Guide Bibliographique de la Peinture Flamande du XVe Siècle/Bibliografische Gids van de Vlaamse Schilderkunst van de XVe Eeuw/Bibliographic Guide for Early Netherlandish Painting/Bibliographischer Führer Altniederländischer Malerei. (pb) £10.00
Suzanne Comte
Everyday Life in the Middle Ages. (hb) £5.00
Kenneth John Conant
Carolingian and Romanesque Architecture 800-1200, 2nd edn. (hb) £10.00
Evan S. Connell
El Dorado and Other Pursuits. (pb) £5.00
Patricia Connor, Else Roesdahl, James Graham-Campbell, Kenneth Pearson, eds.
The Vikings in England and their Danish Homeland. (pb) £6.00
Philippe Contamine
War in the Middle Ages. (hb) £10.00
Edward Conybeare
Alfred in the Chroniclers. (hb) £14.50
Albert Stanburrough Cook, comp.
A Glossary of the Old Northumbrian Gospels (Lindisfarne Gospels or Durham Book). (hb) £14.50
Malcolm Cook
Discovering Brasses and Brass Rubbing; 6th edn. (pb) £4.00
Thomas D. Cooke
The Old French and Chaucerian Fabliaux: A Study of their Comic Climax. (hb) £10.00
Linda Cookson & Bryan Loughrey, eds.
Critical Essays on The General Prologue to The Canterbury Tales, Geoffrey Chaucer. (pb) £4.00
Anthony Cooney
The Story of Saint George: The Life and Legend of England’s Patron Saint. (hb) £3.00
Austin Cooper, OMI
Julian of Norwich: Reflections on Selected Texts. (pb) £3.50
J. C. Cooper
Cassell Dictionary of Christianity. (hb) £6.00
Janet M. Cooper
The Last Four Anglo-Saxon Archbishops of York. (pb) £8.00
Gilbert Cope
Symbolism in the Bible and the Church. (hb) £8.00
Rita Copeland
Pedagogy, Intellectuals, and Dissent in the Later Middle Ages: Lollardy and Ideas of Learning. (hb) £15.00
F. C. Copleston
Aquinas. (pb) £4.00
Glyn Coppack and Peter Fergusson
Rievaulx Abbey. (pb) £1.50
Richard Cork, Colin Wiggins, Jennifer Sliwka
Michael Landy: Saints Alive. (pb) £5.00
Brigitte Corley
Conrad von Soest, Painter among Merchant Princes. (hb) £20.00
Lesley B. Cormack, Glenn Burger, Jonathan Hart, Natalia Pylypiuk, eds.
Making Contact: Maps, Identity and Travel. (pb) £12.50
Julian Cornwall
Wealth and Society in Early Sixteenth Century England. (hb) £10.00
Marilyn Corrie, ed.
A Concise Companion to Middle English Literature. (hb) £12.00
Madeleine Pelner Cosman
Women at Work in Medieval Europe. (pb) £8.00
Umberto Cosmo
Guida a Dante; 2nd edn., ed. Bruno Maier. (hb) £6.00
Léon Côte
Un moin de l’an mille: Saint Odilon, Abbé de Cluny de 994 à 1049. (hb) £8.00
G. G. Coulton
The Chronicler of European Chivalry. (hb) £12.50
Fourscore Years: An Autobiography. (hb) £8.00
Some Problems in Medieval Historiography. (pb) £6.50
Studies in Medieval Thought. (hb) £7.00
Earl & Alice Lawson Count
4000 Years of Christmas. (hb) £4.00
D. C. Cousins
English History in Forms of Essays: Political and Constitutional 1066-1688. (hb) £9.50
Ian B. Cowan, ed.
The Enigma of Mary Stuart. (pb) £2.00
Painton Cowen
Rose Windows. (pb) £6.00
J. C. Cox and C. B. Ford
Parish Churches. (pb) £5.00
Trenchard Cox
Jehan Foucquet, Native of Tours. (hb) £7.00
Patricia B. Craddock
Edward Gibbon, Luminous Historian: 1772-1794. (hb) £20.00
T. W. Craik
The Tudor Interlude: Stage, Costume and Acting. (hb) £8.50
Franco Crainz and Jack Dewhurst
Saints and Sickness. (hb) £8.00
O. E. Craster
Tintern Abbey, Gwent/Abaty Tyndryn; 2nd edn. (pb) £4.50
J. D. Crichton
Preparing for Christmas. (pb) £4.00
Leon Cristiani
St. Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153). (hb) £6.00
Ian Crofton and John Ayto
Brewer’s Britain and Ireland: history, culture, folklore and etymology of 7500 places; place-name consultant Paul Cavill. (hb) £9.50
H. A. Cronne
The Reign of Stephen: Anarchy in England 1135-54. (hb) £10.00
David Crook
The community of Mansfield from Domesday Book to the reign of Edward III. (pb) £4.00
‘Moothallgate’ and the venue of the Nottinghamshire county court in the 13th century. (pb) £4.00
Alfred W. Crosby
The Measure of Reality: Quantification and Western Society, 1250-1600. (pb) £9.00
Throwing Fire: Projectile Technology through History. (hb) £8.00
Richard Crosfield
Columbus: A Discoverer and his Conscience. (pb) £10.00
Jessie Crosland
Outlaws in Fact and Fiction. (hb) £7.50
Sir John Fastolfe: A Medieval ‘Man of Property’. (hb) £10.00
Cynthia Crossen
The Rich and How They Got That Way: How the Wealthiest People of All Time — from Genghis Khan to Bill Gates — Made Their Fortunes. £10.00
Fred. H. Crossley
English Church Craftsmanship: An introduction to the work of the mediaeval period and some account of later developments. (hb) £10.00
Paul Crossley
Medieval Architecture and Sculpture in the North West. (pb) £4.00
David Crouch
The Reign of King Stephen, 1135-1154. (hb) £25.00
Gerald Crow
Ruskin. (hb) £8.00
Ivan Crowe
Copernicus. (pb) £6.00
Charles Cruickshank
Henry VIII and the Invasion of France. (pb) £4.00
C. G. Crump and E. F. Jacob, eds.
The Legacy of the Middle Ages. (hb) £6.00
David Crystal
(w/ John L. Foster): Manors. (pb) £5.00
William Culican
The First Merchant Venturers: The Ancient Levant in History and Commerce. (pb) £5.00
Paul Cuming, Timothy Champion, Stephen Shennan
Planning for the Past, Volume 3: Decision-Making and Field Methods in Archaeological Evaluation. (pb) £6.00
W. A. Cummins
King Arthur’s Place in Prehistory: The Great Age of Stonehenge. (hb) £6.00
Barry Cunliffe, Robert Bartlett, John Morrill, Asa Briggs, Joanna Bourke, eds.
The Penguin Atlas of British and Irish History, from earliest times to the present day. (hb) £4.00
R. Cunliffe Shaw
Post Roman Carlisle and the Kingdoms of the North-West. (pb) £6.00
Elizabeth Currie
Inside the Renaissance House. (hb) £6.00
Patrick Curry
Defending Middle-Earth — Tolkien: Myth and Modernity. (hb) £8.00
(w/ Oscar Zarate) Machiavelli for Beginners. (pb) £3.00
Alice Curtayne
Saint Catherine of Siena. (hb) £6.00
Renée L. Curtis
Tristan Studies. (pb) £10.00
Carole M. Cusack
The Rise of Christianity in Northern Europe, 300-1000. (pb) £10.00
Roger Custance, ed.
Winchester College: Sixth Centenary Essays. (hb) £6.00
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