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Primary sources — BThis page was last updated September 30th, 2020
Bartolomé de Las Casas
Las Casas on Columbus: The Third Voyage; Geoffrey Symcox, gen. ed. (hb) £18.50
Agnes Blannbekin
Agnes Blannbekin, Viennese Beguine: Life and Revelations; tr. Ulrike Wiethaus. (hb) £10.00
Jean Bodel
Le Jeu de Saint Nicolas; ed. F. J. Warne. (pb) £5.00
[Boso]; trans. G. M. Ellis; intro. Peter Munz
Boso’s Life of Alexander III. (hb) £15.00
Thomas Brinton
The Sermons of Thomas Brinton, Bishop of Rochester (1373-1389); ed. Devlin. (hb) £15.00 for two-vol. set
Bruno; ed. W. Wattenbach.
Brunonis De Bello Saxonico Liber, editio altera. (hb) £6.00
Johann Burchard
At the Court of the Borgia, an Account of the Reign of Pope Alexander VI; trans. Geoffrey Parker. (hb, Folio Soc.) £6.00
William Byrd
Mass for 4 voices/für 4 stimmen. (pb) £2.00
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