Bargain books on the Middle Ages and all related subjects
Browse by author
Secondary sources — MThis page was last updated August 10th, 2022
Thomas Babington Macaulay
The History of England from 1485 to 1685; comp. Peter Rowland. (hb, Folio Soc.) £8.00
Tim William Machan
English in the Middle Ages. (pb) £10.00
Textual Criticism and Middle English Texts. (hb) £15.00
Cecily Mackworth
François Villon. (hb) £6.00
Tim Mackintosh-Smith
Travels with a Tangerine: A Journey in the Footnotes of Ibn Battutah. (pb) £3.50
Ben Mackworth-Praed, comp.
The Book of Kells. (hb) £5.00
Thomas F. Madden
(with Donald E. Queller) The Fourth Crusade: The Conquest of Constantinople; 2nd edn. (hb) £20.00
Carol Maddison
Marcantonio Flaminio: Poet, Humanist and Reformer. (pb) £12.00
John Maddison
Ely Cathedral: Design and Meaning. (pb) £4.50
Fiona Maddocks
Hildegard of Bingen: The Woman of Her Age. (pb) £6.00
Donald Maddox
Modern fictions of Identity in Medieval France. (hb) £25.00
Frank N. Magill, ed.
Dictionary of World Biography: Volume 2, The Middle Ages. (hb) £25.00
Dictionary of World Biography: Volume 3, The Renaissance. (hb) £25.00
Sir Philip and Lady Magnus-Allcroft
Stokesay Castle, Shropshire. (pb) £4.50
Magnus Magnusson
Introducing Archaeology. (hb) £6.00
Viking Expansion Westwards. (hb) £4.50
Vikings! (hb) £6.00
Eunice Dauterman Maguire, Henry Maguire, Demetra Papanikola-Bakirtzis
Ceramic Art from Byzantine Serres. (pb) £20.00
Laurence Main
King Arthur’s Camlan: A Quest for the Truth. (pb) £5.00
Giancarlo Maiorino
Leonardo da Vinci: The Daedalian Mythmaker. (hb) £15.00
F. W. Maitland
Domesday Book and Beyond: Three Essays in the Early History of England; intro. Edward Miller. (pb) £3.00
Sara Maitland & Wendy Mulford
Virtuous Magic: Women Saints and their Meanings. (hb) £12.00
Kathleen Major
Conan Son of Ellis, an Early Inhabitant of Holbeach. (hb) £6.00
Émile Mâle
The Gothic Image: Religious Art in France of the 13th Century. (pb) £3.00
John Man
Genghis Khan: Life, Death and Resurrection. (pb) £4.00
The Gutenberg Revolution: the story of a genius and an invention that changed the world. (hb) £6.00
Keith Manchester and Charlotte Roberts
The Archaeology of Disease; 2nd edn. (pb) £9.50
Peter Mandler
History and National Life. (hb) £6.00
John Matthews Manly
Some New Light on Chaucer. (hb) £6.00
Sir James Mann
An Outline of Arms and Armour in England from the Early Middle Ages to the Civil War. (pb) £3.00
Nicholas Mann
Petrarch. (pb) £5.00
Conleth Manning
Clonmacnoise. (pb) £5.00
Irish Field Monuments, 3rd edn. (pb) £4.00
Tracy Manning, Caroline Babington, and Sophie Stewart
Our Painted Past: Wall Paintings of English Heritage. (pb) £10.00
Sally Mapstone, ed.
(w/ Graham Caie, Rodrick J. Lyall, Kenneth Simpson, eds.): The European Sun: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Medieval & Renaissance Scottish Language & Literature. (pb) £15.00
(ed.):William Dunbar, ‘The Nobill Poyet’: Essays in Honour of Priscilla Bawcutt. (pb) £6.00
G. J. Marcus
The Conquest of the North Atlantic. (pb) £3.50
John Marenbon
Later Medieval Philosophy (1150-1350): An Introduction. (pb) £8.00
Warwick Paul Marett
A Calendar of the Register of Henry Wakefeld, Bishop of Worcester 1375-95. (hb) £6.00
Jean Markale
Celtic Civilization. (hb) £10.00
Richard Marks and Nigel Morgan
The Golden Age of English Manuscript Painting 1200-1500. (hb) £10.00
Manfred Markus, ed.
Historical English, on the Occasion of Karl Brunner’s 100th Birthday. (pb) £20.00
Dominic Marner
St. Cuthbert: His Life and Cult in Medieval Durham. (hb) £6.00
John Marsden
The Fury of the Northmen: Saints, Shrines & Sea-raiders in the Viking Age. (pb) £3.00
Peter Marsden
Roman London. (hb) £6.00
Henry Marsh
The Origins of the English People. (pb) £4.00
Christopher Marshall
Warfare in the Latin East, 1192-1291. (hb) £20.00
Claire Marshall
William Langland: Piers Plowman. (pb) £8.00
K. N. Marshall
The Pastons, 1378-1732. (pb) £5.00
Rosalind K. Marshall
Mary of Guise. (hb) £6.00
Colin Martin and Geoffrey Parker
The Spanish Armada. (hb) £2.50
G. H. Martin
The Early Court Rolls of the Borough of Ipswich. (pb) £6.00
Janet D. Martin
The Cartularies and Registers of Peterborough Abbey. (hb) £6.00
Sean Martin
The Knights Templar: The History and Myths of the Legendary Military Order. (hb) £6.00
The Pocket Essential Black Death. (pb) £3.50
Valerie Martin
Salvation: Scenes from the Life of St. Francis. (hb) £6.00
Salvation: Scenes from the Life of St. Francis. (pb) £6.00
Andrew Martindale
Gothic Art. (hb) £4.00
Roddy Martine
The Secrets of Rosslyn. (pb) £4.50
Lauro Martines
Power and Imagination: City-States in Renaissance Italy. (hb) £6.00
Scourge and Fire: Savonarola and Renaissance Italy. (hb) £8.00
Louis L. Martz
Thomas More: The Search for the Inner Man. (hb) £7.00
Hugh Marwick
The Place Names of Birsay. (pb) £6.00
Emma Mason
William II: Rufus, the Red King. (hb) £10.00
Martin Mason and Malcolm Sanders
The City Companion. (hb) £6.00
W. H. Mason
Murder in the Cathedral (T. S. Eliot). (pb) £5.00
François Matarasso
The English Castle. (hb) £6.00
D. J. A. Matthew
King Stephen. (hb) £10.00
The Norman Conquest. (hb) £8.50
Gervase Mathew
(with Kenneth Wykeham-George): Bede Jarrett of the Order of Preachers. (hb) £6.00
C. M. Matthews
Place Names of the English-Speaking World. (hb) £8.00
Caitlin Matthews
The Elements of the Celtic Tradition. (pb) £5.00
John Matthews, ed.
(foreword by P. L. Travers): A Celtic Reader: Selections from Celtic Legend, Scholarship and Story. (hb) £6.00
Thomas F. Mathews
The Art of Byzantium between Antiquity and the Renaissance. (pb) £7.00
Garrett Mattingly
Catherine of Aragon. (hb) £7.00
The Defeat of the Spanish Armada. (hb) £5.00
Renaissance Diplomacy. (pb) £4.50
Mary Mauchline
(w/ Duff Hart-Davis & Hugh Meller): Buckland Abbey, Devon. (pb) £5.00
(w/ Lydia Greeves): Fountains Abbey and Studley Royal, North Yorkshire. (pb) £2.50
Thomas Maude
Guided by a Stone-Mason: The Cathedrals, Abbeys and Churches of Britain Unveiled. (pb) £6.00
Muriel Maufroy
Rumi’s Daughter. (hb) £6.00
David Maule
Knights and Castles. (pb book plus audio CD) £8.00
P. G. Maxwell-Stuart
Witchcraft: A History. (hb) £6.00
Witch Hunters: Professional Prickers, Unwitchers and Witch Finders of the Renaissance. (hb) £6.00
Hans Eberhard Mayer
The Crusades. (pb) £2.50
Donald Maxwell
The Pilgrim’s Way in Kent. (pb) £7.50
Dorothy M. Meade
The Medieval Church in England. (pb) £7.50
Marion Meade
Eleanor of Aquitaine: A Biography. (hb) £6.00
Carol M. Meale, ed.
Readings in Medieval English Romance. (hb) £25.00
Abdelwahab Meddeb
Islam and its Discontents. (hb) £6.00
Cathleen Medwick
Teresa of Avila: The Progress of a Soul. (hb) £6.00
Arthur Mee
Lincoln. (pb) £6.00
York. (pb) £4.50
Aidan Meehan
Celtic Design: A Beginner’s Manual. (pb) £5.00
The Lindisfarne Painting Book. (pb) £6.00
Bernard Meehan
The Book of Kells: An Illustrated Introduction to the Manuscript in Trinity College Dublin. (pb) £4.50
Christine Meek and Catherine Lawless, eds.
Studies on Medieval and Early Modern Women: Pawns or Players? (pb) £7.00
Ruth and Vincent Megaw
Early Celtic Art in Britain and Ireland, 2nd edn. (pb) £3.50
Dieter Mehl
English Literature in the Age of Chaucer. (pb) £7.00
Dirk Meier
Seafarers, Merchants and Pirates in the Middle Ages. (hb) £12.00
Millard Meiss
The Master of the Breviary of Jean Sans Peur and the Limbourgs. (pb) £10.00
Les Très Riches Heures: A Medieval Book of Hours. (hb) £4.00
Hugh Meller
(with Mary Mauchline, Duff Hart-Davis): Buckland Abbey, Devon. (pb) £5.00
Stephen Mennell
All Manners of Food: Eating and Taste in England and France from the Middle Ages to the Present. (pb) £6.00
Noël James Menuge
Medieval English Wardship in Romance and Law. (hb) £6.00
Gavin Menzies
1421: The Year China Discovered the World. (hb) £6.00
Dmitri Merejcovski
The Romance of Leonardo da Vinci, illustrated by himself. (hb) £6.00
Anezka Merhautová, Vlasta Dvoráková, Josef Krása, and Karel Stejskal
Gothic Mural Painting in Bohemia and Moravia 1300-1378. (hb) £12.00
Ralph Merrifield
The Archaeology of London. (hb) £6.00
Arthur Tillman Merritt
Sixteenth-Century Polyphony: A Basis for the Study of Counterpoint. (hb) £15.00
Daniel Mersey
Arthur, King of the Britons: From Celtic Hero to Cinema Icon. (pb) £4.50
W. S. Merwin
The Mays of Ventadorn. (hb) £6.00
Eric M. Meyers, Howard Clark Kee, John Rogerson, Anthony J. Saldarini
The Cambridge Companion to the Bible. (hb) £25.00
John Michell
Eccentric Lives and Peculiar Notions. (pb) £7.50
Roy Midmer
English Mediaeval Monasteries 1066-1540: A Summary. (hb) £10.00
Marilyn Migiel
A Rhetoric of the Decameron. (pb) £9.00
Roger Miket and David L. Roberts
The Mediaeval Castles of Skye and Lochalsh. (pb) £4.00
R. L. P. Milburn
Early Christian Interpretations of History. (pb) £8.00
David Miller
Richard the Lionheart: The Mighty Crusader. (pb) £6.00
Edward Miller
The Origins of Parliament. (pb) £2.00
Jacqueline T. Miller
Poetic License: Authority and Authorship in Medieval and Renaissance Contexts. (hb) £6.00
Keith Miller
St. Peter’s. (hb) £6.00
Malcolm Miller
Chartres Cathedral: The Medieval Stained Glass & Sculpture. (pb) £5.00
Townsend Miller
The Castles and the Crown: Spain 1451-1555. (hb) £15.00
E. K. Milliken
Chivalry in the Middle Ages. (pb) £1.50
Gustav Milne
Excavations at Medieval Cripplegate, London: Archaeology after the Blitz, 1946-68. (pb) £12.00
(w/ Chrissie Milne): Medieval Waterfront Development at Trig Lane, London: Excavations, 1974-6. (pb) £7.00
Giles Milton
Big Chief Elizabeth: How England’s Adventurers Gambled and Won the New World. (hb, signed copy) £6.00
Peter Milward SJ
Shakespeare’s Apocalypse. (pb) £5.00
Ruth Minary and Charles Moorman
An Arthurian Dictionary. (pb) £5.00
G. E. Mingay
A Social History of the English Countryside. (hb) £15.00
Maria-Luisa Minio-Paluello
Jesters and Devils: Florence — San Giovanni 1514. (pb) £3.00
Alastair Minnis
Lifting the Veil: Sexual/Textual Nakedness in the Roman de la Rose. (pb) £4.00
(ed.): Middle English Poetry: Texts and Traditions. Essays in Honour of Derek Pearsall. (hb) £15.00
Harry A. Miskimin
The Economy of Early Renaissance Europe, 1300-1460. (hb) £6.00
Bruce Mitchell
(w/ Fred. C. Robinson): A Guide to Old English, revised with texts & glossary; [3rd edn.] (pb) £3.00
A Guide to Old English, 2nd edn. (pb) £4.00
R. J. Mitchell
The Spring Voyage: The Jerusalem Pilgrimage in 1458. (hb) £6.00
Sabrina Mitchell
Medieval Manuscript Painting. (pb) £6.00
Rosalind Mitchison, ed.
Why Scottish History Matters. (pb) £5.00
Louis Mitler
Ottoman Turkish Writers: A Bibliographical Dictionary of Significant Figures in pre-Republican Turkish Literature. (pb) £6.00
Henri Mitterand, Albert Dauzat, Jean Dubois
Nouveau dictionnaire étymologique et historique, revised edn. (pb) £9.00
A. L. Moir
The World Map (about 1300 AD) in Hereford Cathedral: A Simple Guide; 4th edn. (leaflet) £4.00
G. Mollat
Les Papes d’Avignon (1305-1378); 5th edn. (hb) £6.00
The Popes at Avignon 1305-1378. (hb) £6.00
Michel Mollat
(w/ Paul Adam, eds.): Les aspects internationaux de la découverte océanique aux XVe et XVIe siècles: Actes du cinquième Colloque International d’Histoire Maritime. (pb) £10.00
Santiago Cantera Montenegro, OSB
Estudios de historia y espiritualidad monástica. (pb) £30.00 for 2‑vol. set
Robert L. Montgomery
The Reader’s Eye: Studies in Didactic Literary Theory from Dante to Tasso. (hb) £10.00
Byung-Ho Moon
Christ the Mediator of the Law: Calvin’s Christological Understanding of the Law as the Rule of Living and Life-Giving. (pb) £10.00
Catherine M. Mooney, ed.
Gendered Voices: Medieval Saints and their Interpreters. (pb) £12.50
E. Garth Moore
An Introduction to English Canon Law. (hb) £8.50
Elinor A. Moore
The Early Church in the Middle East. (hb) £8.00
Geoffrey Moorhouse
Sun Dancing: A Medieval Vision. (hb) £6.00
Charles Moorman
(w/ Ruth Minary): An Arthurian Dictionary. (pb) £5.00
The Pearl-Poet. (hb) £4.50
John R. H. Moorman
The Franciscans in England 1224-1982. (pb) £6.00
A History of the Church in England. (hb) £10.00
Ebrahim Moosa
Ghazali and the Poetics of the Imagination. (hb) £9.00
Martin Morard & Cédric Giraud, eds.
Universitas scolarium: Mélanges offerts à Jacques Verger par ses anciens étudiants. (pb) £35.00
Pierre Morel and Marcel Aubert
Mont Saint-Michel: The Abbey; Visitor’s Guide. (hb) £4.00
F. C. Morgan
Hereford Cathedral Church Glass; 2nd edn. (pb) £4.50
Some Bosses, Capitals and Stops in Hereford Cathedral Church, 4th edn. (pb) £4.00
Giles Morgan
A Brief History of the Holy Grail: History, Myth, Religion. (pb) £2.50
St. George. (hb) £3.50
Kenneth O. Morgan, ed.
The Oxford Mini History of England, vol. I: Roman and Anglo-Saxon Britain. (pb) £4.00
The Oxford Mini History of Britain: vol. II, The Middle Ages. (pb) £2.00
Nigel Morgan Richard Marks
The Golden Age of English Manuscript Painting 1200-1500. (hb) £10.00
David Morgan Evans, Peter Salway, David Thackray, eds.
“The Remains of Distant Times”: Archaeology and the National Trust. (hb) £10.00
B. M. Morley
Henry VIII and the Development of Coastal Defence. (pb) £4.50
Neville Morley
Writing Ancient History. (pb) £6.00
Piero Morpurgo
Filosofia della natura nella schola Salernitana del secolo XII. (pb) £20.00
John B. Morrall
Political Thought in Medieval Times; 2nd edn. (hb) £6.00
John Morrill, Barry Cunliffe, Robert Bartlett, Asa Briggs, Joanna Bourke, eds.
The Penguin Atlas of British and Irish History, from earliest times to the present day. (hb) £4.00
John Morris
The Age of Arthur, the British Isles from 350 to 650: Volume One, Roman Britain and the Empire of Arthur. (pb) £3.00
Marc Morris
Castle: A History of the Buildings that Shaped Medieval Britain. (hb) £6.00
Michael Morris, ed.
Medieval Manchester: A Regional Study. (pb) £8.00
Richard Morris
Cursor Mundi: Part VI, Preface, Notes, and Glossary. (pb) £6.00
Robert M. Morris
Gerald and his World. (pb) £4.50
Ian Morrison
The North Sea Earls: The Shetland/Viking Archaeological Expedition. (hb) £9.50
Ian R. Morrison
Rabelais: Tiers livre, Quart livre, Ve livre. (pb) £6.00
Karl F. Morrison
Conversion and Text: The Cases of Augustine of Hippo, Herman-Judah, and Constantine Tsatsos. (pb) £7.50
Samuel Eliot Morison
The European Discovery of America: The Northern Voyages, AD 500-1600. (hb) £6.00
Charlotte C. Morse
The Pattern of Judgment in the Queste and Cleanness. (hb) £10.00
Karl Mortensen
A Handbook of Norse Mythology. (pb) £5.00
Ian Mortimer
1415: Henry V’s Year of Glory. (hb) £8.00
A. L. Morton
A People’s History of Engand. (pb) £3.00
Catherine Morton
Bodiam Castle, Sussex. (pb) £2.50
Graeme Morton
William Wallace: Man and Myth. (hb) £6.00
Christopher L. Moser; Mino Badner; Jacinto Quirarte
A Possible Focus of Andean Artistic Influence in Mesoamerica; Izapan-Style Art: A Study of its Form and Meaning; Human Decapitation in Ancient Mesoamerica. (hb) £20.00
George L. Mosse and H. G. Koenigsberger
Europe in The Sixteenth Century. (pb) £6.00
J. H. Moulton
A Grammar of New Testament Greek: Volume I, Prolegomena. (hb) £8.00
Farley Mowat
The Alban Quest: The Search for a Lost Tribe. (hb) £6.00
Richard Muir
The Lost Villages of Britain. (hb) £6.50
The National Trust Guide to Dark Age and Medieval Britain 400-1350. (hb) £6.00
Wendy Mulford, Sara Maitland
Virtuous Magic: Women Saints and their Meanings. (hb) £12.00
Michael Müller-Wille
Mittelalterliche Burghügel (»Motten«) im Nördlichen Rheinland. (hb) £15.00
Michael Mullett
Luther. (pb) £5.00
Edwin Mullins
The Pilgrimage to Santiago. (hb) £6.00
The Pilgrimage to Santiago. (pb) £6.00
Alfred A. Mumford
Hugh Oldham, 1452[?]-1519: Bishop of Exeter, Principal Benefactor of Corpus Christi College, Oxford, and Founder of the Manchester Grammar School. (hb) £12.50
W. F. Mumford
Wenlock in the Middle Ages. (pb) £7.00
André-V. Munaut
Les cernes de croissance des arbres (La dendrochronologie). (pb) £7.50
Julian Munby and Henry Summerson
Stokesay Castle, Shropshire. (pb) £1.50
John H. Mundy
Europe in the High Middle Ages 1150-1309, 2nd edn. (pb) £8.00
Marina Münkler
Marco Polo: Leben und Legende. (pb) £4.50
Adrian Murdoch
The Last Emperor: Romulus Augustulus and the Decline of the West. (hb) £7.00
Brian Murdoch
Adam’s Grace: Fall and Redemption in Medieval Literature. (hb) £15.00
The Germanic Hero: Politics and Pragmatism in Early Medieval Poetry. (hb) £10.00
Adelaide Murgia
The Life and Times of Dürer. (hb) £6.50
A. F. Murison
Sir William Wallace. (hb) £6.00
James J. Murphy
Medieval Rhetoric: A Select Bibliography. (pb) £5.00
W. P. D. Murphy
British History 55 BC-1485: Roman and Medieval Britain. (hb) £6.00
A. Victor Murray
Abelard and St. Bernard: A Study in Twelfth Century 'Modernism'. (hb) £25.00
Linda Murray
The Late Renaissance and Mannerism. (pb) £5.00
Michelangelo. (pb) £2.50
Mark Musa
Advent at the Gates: Dante’s Comedy. (hb) £9.00
Charles Muscatine
Poetry and Crisis in the Age of Chaucer. (hb) £9.50
Chris Musson and Michael Watson
Shropshire from the Air: Man and the Landscape. (pb) £8.00
Florentine Mütherich and Joachim E. Gaehde
Carolingian Painting. (pb) £6.00
A R. Myers
England in the Late Middle Ages (1307-1536), revised edn. (pb) £4.50
J. N. L. Myres
(w/ Barbara Green): The Anglo-Saxon Cemeteries of Caistor-By-Norwich and Markshall, Norfolk. (hb) £8.00
Anglo-Saxon Pottery and the Settlement of England. (hb) £20.00
The English Settlements. (hb) £9.50
The English Settlements. (pb) £6.00
This page lists books in stock containing secondary sources whose authors’ names begin with M. Click on the book titles to see further details.
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