Bargain books on the Middle Ages and all related subjects
Primary sources
FacsimilesThis page was last updated September 28th, 2014
Nicholas Copernicus
The Manuscript of Nicholas Copernicus’ “On the Revolutions”: Facsimile; ed. Pawel Czartoryski; intro. Jerzy Zathey. (hb) £25.00
[St. Francis of Assisi]
Cantico di Frate Sole [Laudes Creaturarum seu Canticum fratis Solis]: Benedizione autografa di S. Francesco di Assisi. (pb) £10.00
Franciscus Junius
Cædmonis Monachi Paraphrasis Poetica Genesios ac Præcipuarum Sacræ Paginæ Historiarum, abhinc annos M.LXX. Anglo-Saxonicè conscripta, & nunc primum edita; ed. Peter J. Lucas. (pb) £20.00
Niccolò Machiavelli
The Prince, 1640. (facsimile, pb) £15.00
Carlo Pedretti/Jane Roberts
Leonardo da Vinci: Nature Studies from the Royal Library at Windsor Castle / The Codex Hammer formerly the Codex Leicester. (pb) £20.00 for 2‑vol set
[No author].
Tres Indices Expurgatorios de la Inquisicion Española en el Siglo XVI: salen nuevamente a luz reproducidos en facsimil por acuerdo de la Real Academia Española. (pb) £15.00
This page lists books in stock containing Facsimile reprints of primary sources such as manuscripts, works of art, or early printed books. Works by specific named artists are usually listed alphabetically along with other authors — use the scroll bars below to browse these. There are separate pages for lists of anonymous works and Anthologies.
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