Medievalbookshop — ALD0023 Baynes, Questionable Creatures

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Secondhand book for sale

Scanned image of the book’s front cover

Pauline Baynes.
Questionable Creatures: A Bestiary.

Published London: Frances Lincoln, 2006.
ISBN 1845074742;
ISBN-13: 9781845074746.
Binding: hardback, stitch bound.
Printed in China.
Size: 217x175x10mm.
Page count: 48pp.
Main language: English.
Unused bargain: this copy has some mild handling on the dustjacket.

This item £6.00
plus P&P £3.00 within the UK
(delivery outside the UK not currently available)

Weight without packaging: 273g.

How to order this book

Bestiaries were the most gloriously entertaining books of have come from the Middle Ages. Written and illuminated by monks, they describe every creature thought to exist in the medieval world and include all manner of fish, fowl, and mythological beast, however far-fetched.

Pauline Baynes, whose illustrations of Narnia and Middle Earth are known to millions, has revived 20 medieval and mischievous beasts, basing her tongue-in-cheek descriptions on various English bestiaries. Her delightful re-creations of these fabulous creatures — from Phoenix to Manticore, from Bonnacon to Yale — hop, swoop and gallop through the pages in antique splendour, and will charm today's readers as readily as they astounded audiences centuries ago.

Appendix: Where to find Bestiaries
Notes: no
Tables: no
Illustrations: colour, throughout
Maps & plans: no
Genealogies: no
Chronology: no
Glossary: no
Bibliography: list of mss given in the appendix
Index: no


See also | Bestiary | Children’s books |

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