Bargain books on the Middle Ages and all related subjects
Sermons & preachingThis page was last updated February 26th, 2024
Saint Augustine
Selected Sermons of Saint Augustine; tr. Quincy Howe, Jr. (hb) £6.00
Bernard de Clairvaux
S. Bernardi Abbatis Primi Claræ-Vallensis Opera Omnia, vol. 2, parts 2 & 3; ed. D. Joannis Mabillon. (hb) £15.00
Thomas Brinton
The Sermons of Thomas Brinton, Bishop of Rochester (1373-1389); ed. Devlin. (hb) £15.00 for two-vol. set
James E. Cross, ed.
Cambridge Pembroke College Ms. 25: A Carolingian Sermonary used by Anglo-Saxon Preachers. (pb) £11.00
Ogier of Locedio
Homilies; trans. D. Martin Jenni. (pb) £15.00
Thomas Wimbledon
Wimbledon’s Sermon Redde Rationem Villicationis Tue: A Middle English Sermon of the Fourteenth Century; ed. Ione Kemp Knight. (hb) £15.00
Secondary sources
Ian D. K. Siggins
A Harvest of Medieval Preaching: The Sermon Books of Johann Herolt. (pb) £8.00
Anthony Warner
Complementation in Middle English and the Methodology of Historical Syntax: A Study of the Wycliffite Sermons. (hb) £15.00
Books & journals containing related material
Anglo-Saxon England, 1 (1972); ed. Peter Clemoes. (hb) £6.00
Neophilologus: An International Journal of Modern & Medieval Language & Literature. vol. LX, no. 3 (July 1976). (pb) £5.00
Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, 5th series, vol. 40 (1990). (hb) £4.00
Word and Spirit, 12 (1990): St. Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153).£6.00
Salo Wittmayer Baron
A Social and Religious History of the Jews: High Middle Ages, 500-1200: Volume VI, Laws, Homilies and the Bible; 2nd edn., revised and enlarged. (hb) £20.00
Piero Boitani
(with Anna Torti, eds.) Medieval and Pseudo-Medieval Literature: Bennett Memorial Lectures, 1982-1983. (hb) £10.00
D. Simon Evans
Writers of Wales: Medieval Religious Literature. (pb) £6.00
Georg Graf
Georg Graf: Christlicher Orient und schäbische Heimat Kleine Schriften, Anläßlich des 50; ed. Hubert Kaufhold. (2 vols., pb) £15.00
R. W. Hunt, W. A. Pantin, R. W. Southern, eds.
Studies in Medieval History presented to Frederick Maurice Powicke. (hb) £15.00
W. P. Ker
Medieval English Literature. (hb, Home University Library) £5.00
Katherine Lack
The Eagle and the Dove: The Spirituality of the Celtic Saint Columbanus. (pb) £3.00
Jane K. Lecklider
Cleanness: Structure and Meaning. (hb) £15.00
Dom Jean Leclercq
Analecta Monastica, deuxième sèrie. (pb) £30.00
John Scattergood & Julia Boffey, eds.
Texts and their Contexts: Papers from the Early Book Society. (hb) £10.00
Myra Stokes and T. L. Burton, eds.
Medieval Literature and Antiquities: Studies in Honour of Basil Cottle. (hb) £15.00
Michael Swanton, trans.
Anglo-Saxon Prose. (pb) £6.50
Gabriel Turville-Petre
Nine Norse Studies. (hb) £15.00
E. E. Wardale
Chapters on Old English Literature. (hb) £6.00
R. M. Wilson
Early Middle English Literature; 2nd edn. (hb) £7.50
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