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Religious literatureThis page was last updated June 26th, 2022
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Alonso Fernández de Madrid
Vida de Fray Fernando de Talavera, primer Arzobispo de Granada. P. Félix G. Olmedo, ed. (pb) £8.00
St. Jerome
Psalterium iuxta Hebraeos Hieronymi; J. M. Harden, ed. (hb) £15.00
Konrad von Megenberg
Planctus Ecclesiae in Germaniam; ed. Scholz. (pb) £8.00
The Monk of Evesham
The Revelation to the Monk of Evesham 1196; Edward Arber, ed. (hb) £10.00
The Ormulum; ed. Robert Meadows White. (hb, 2 vols.) £10.00
Richard Rolle
English Writings of Richard Rolle, Hermit of Hampole. (pb) £6.00
Thomas Wimbledon
Wimbledon’s Sermon Redde Rationem Villicationis Tue: A Middle English Sermon of the 14th Century; ed. Ione Kemp Knight. (hb) £15.00
[No author].
The Book of Concealed Mystery; tr. S. L. MacGregor Mathers. (hb) £5.00
[No author].
The Hosiers’ Play: The Exodus, from the York Cycle; a version in modern English by J. S. Purvis. (pb) £4.50
David Ayerst & A. S. T. Fisher.
Records of Christianity, vol. II: Christendom. (hb) £6.00
Ruth Etchells, ed.
A Selection from the Early English Poets: Caedmon to Thomas More. (hb) £3.50
Hugh Feiss, OSB, ed. & trans.
Essential Monastic Wisdom: Writings on the Contemplative Life. (hb) £6.00
Goscelin the Monk
The Life of St. Werburg; tr. N. J. Munday. (pb) £5.00
Guernes de Pont-Sainte-Maxence/Garnier of Pont-Sainte-Maxence
Garnier’s Becket, from the 12th-century Vie Saint Thomas le Martyr de Cantorbire; Janet Shirley, trans. (hb) £10.00
Jacopone da Todi
The Lauds; trans. Serge and Elizabeth Hughes. (pb) £9.00
Vincent McNabb, trans.
The Akathistos Hymn … on the Occasion of the Deliverance of Constantinople from the Barbarians, A.D. 626. (hb) £10.00
W. M. Metcalfe, trans.
Ancient Lives of Scottish Saints: Part 1, Ninian by Ailred of Rievaux and Two Lives of Columba by Cuimine the Fair and Adamnan; Part 2, Kentigern by Jocelin, Servanus, Margaret of Scotland by Turgot, and Magnus. (pb) £10.00 for 2 vols
The Sayings of Muhammad; Neal Robinson, trans. (pb) £3.50
Gordon Mursell, comp.
The Wisdom of the Anglo-Saxons. (hb) £4.50
St. Patrick; Brian de Breffny
In the Steps of St. Patrick (includes translations of the Confessio & the Letter to Coroticus). (hb) £6.00
Marjorie Reeves and Jenyth Worsley
Favourite Hymns: 2000 Years of Magnificat. (hb) £6.00
E. G. Rupp & Benjamin Drewer, eds.
Martin Luther. (pb) £5.00
Bishop Sarapion’s Prayer-Book: An Egyptian Sacramentary … about A.D. 350-356; 2nd edn.; John Wordsworth, ed. (hb) £6.00
Teresa de Cartagena
The Writings of Teresa de Cartagena; tr. Dayle Seidenspinner-Núñez. (pb) £8.00
Larissa Tracy, trans.
Women of the Gilte Legende: A Selection of Middle English Saints᾿ Lives. (hb) £6.00
Karen A. Winstead, ed. & trans.
Chaste Passions: Medieval English Virgin Martyr Legends. (hb) £15.00
Secondary sources
Renate Blumenfeld-Kosinski, Duncan Robertson, and Nancy Warren, eds.
The Vernacular Spirit: Essays on Religious Literature. (hb) £25.00
D. Simon Evans
Writers of Wales: Medieval Religious Literature. (pb) £6.00
David C. Fowler
The Bible in Middle English Literature. (hb) £9.50
Elizabeth Robertson
Early English Devotional Prose and the Female Audience. (hb) £15.00
C. J. Stranks
The Life and Death of St. Cuthbert. (pb) £3.50
Books & journals containing related material
Albrecht Classen, ed.
Medieval German Voices for the 21st Century: The Paradigmatic Function of Medieval German Studies for German Studies. (pb) £15.00
Marilyn Corrie, ed.
A Concise Companion to Middle English Literature. (hb) £12.00
Kevin Crossley-Holland, trans.
The Anglo-Saxon World. (hb) £6.00
The Anglo-Saxon World: An Anthology. (pb) £5.00
R. D. S. Jack, ed.
The History of Scottish Literature: Volume 1, Origins to 1660. (pb) £11.00
Larry Scanlon, ed.
The Cambridge Companion to Medieval English Literature, 1100-1500. (hb) £14.50
Mary Swan and Elaine M. Treharne, eds
Rewriting Old English in the Twelfth Century. (hb) £27.50
Michael Swanton, trans.
Anglo-Saxon Prose. (pb) £6.50
Sir A. W. Ward & A. R. Waller, eds.
The Cambridge History of English Literature, vol. 1: From the Beginnings to the Cycles of Romance. (hb) £6.00
R. M. Wilson
Early Middle English Literature; 2nd edn. (hb) £7.50
The Lost Literature of Medieval England; 2nd edn. (pb) £12.00
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