Medievalbookshop — heresy

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This page was last updated December 14th, 2024

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[No author].
Tres Indices Expurgatorios de la Inquisicion Española en el Siglo XVI: salen nuevamente a luz reproducidos en facsimil por acuerdo de la Real Academia Española. (pb) £15.00


Chas S. Clifton
Encyclopedia of Heresies and Heretics. (pb) £6.00

Secondary sources

Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh
The Inquisition. (pb) £6.00

Rev. W. J. Grier
Hus and Farel: Heroic Pioneers of the Reformation. (pb) £5.00

Ritchie D. Kendall
The Drama of Dissent: The Radical Poetics of Nonconformity, 1380-1590. (hb) £25.00

Richard Kieckhefer
Repression of Heresy in Medieval Germany. (hb) £8.00

Robert Lerner
The Heresy of the Free Spirit in the Later Middle Ages. (pb) £7.50

Joan O’Grady
Heresy: Heretical Truth or Orthodox Error? A Study of Early Christian Heresies. (hb) £6.00

Karen Sullivan
Truth and the Heretic: Crises of Knowledge in Medieval French Literature. (hb) £15.00

John A. F. Thomson
The Later Lollards 1414-1520. (hb) £10.00

Raoul Vaneigem
The Movement of the Free Spirit. (hb) £15.00

Books & journals containing related material

Medieval History, vol. 1, no. 2 (1991). (pb) £4.50

Past and Present: A Journal of Historical Studies., no. 54 (Feb. 1972). (pb) £2.00

St. Augustine
The Political Writings. Henry Paolucci, ed. (pb) £9.50
Selected Sermons of Saint Augustine; tr. Quincy Howe, Jr. (hb) £6.00

Christopher Brooke
Medieval Church and Society: Collected Essays. (hb) £15.00

Sheila Delany
Medieval Literary Politics: Shapes of ideology. (pb) £10.00

A. G. Dickens
Lollards and Protestants in the Diocese of York, 1509-1558. (pb) £6.00

Susan Doran and Christopher Durston
Princes, Pastors and People: The Church and Religion in England 1529-1689. (pb) £6.00

Georges Duby
The Knight, the Lady and the Priest: The Making of Modern Marriage in Medieval France. (hb) £8.00
The Knight, the Lady and the Priest: The Making of Modern Marriage in Medieval France. (pb) £4.00

Gerhard Jaritz, Torstein Jørgenstein, Kirsi Salonen, eds
The Long Arm of Papal Authority: Late Medieval Christian Peripheries and their Communication with the Holy See; 2nd edn. (pb) £14.50

Julius Kirshner and Karl F. Morrison, eds.
Medieval Europe. (pb) £8.00

Bede Karl Lackner and Kenneth Roy Philp, eds.
Essays on Medieval Civilization: The Walter Prescott Webb Memorial Lectures. (hb) £7.00

Jack Lindsay
Arthur and his Times: Britain in the Dark Ages. (hb) £6.00

Andrew McCall
The Medieval Underworld. (hb) £7.00

Nils Arne Pedersen
Demonstrative Proof in Defence of God, A Study of Titus of Bostra’s Contra Manichaeos. (hb) £70.00

Pietro Redondi
Galileo: Heretic (Galileo Eretico). (pb) £7.00

Gordon J. Schochet, with Patricia E. Tatspaugh and Carol Brobeck, eds
Reformation, Humanism & “Revolution”: Papers Presented at the Folger Institute Seminar “Political Thought in the Henrician Age, 1500-1550”, dir. John Guy. (pb) £20.00

Lesley Twomey, ed.
Faith and Fanaticism: Religious Fervour in Early Modern Spain. (hb) £6.00

This page lists books about Heresy that are currently in stock. There is a separate page for books about the Cathars.

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