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Royalty — general studiesThis page was last updated April 4th, 2024
T. A. Dorey and Allison Leon, eds.
The Norman Kings. (hb) £5.00
Elizabeth Longford, ed.
The Oxford Book of Royal Anecdotes. (pb) £2.50
Eric R. Delderfield, ed.
Kings and Queens of England and Great Britain. (pb) £4.00
Peter Gibson
The Concise Guide to Kings and Queens: A Thousand Years of European Monarchy. (hb) £4.50
Secondary sources
Geoffrey Ashe
Kings and Queens of Early Britain. (hb) £7.50
Caroline Bingham
The Stewart Kingdom of Scotland, 1371-1603. (hb) £6.00
Arthur Bryant
A Thousand Years of British Monarchy. (hb) £5.00
V. H. Galbraith
The Literacy of the Medieval English Kings. (pb) £7.00
Heinz-Dieter Heimann
Die Habsburger: Dynastie und Kaiserreiche. (pb) £3.50
Mortimer Levine, ed.
Tudor Dynastic Problems, 1460-1571. (hb) £6.00
Rosalind K. Marshall
Mary of Guise. (hb) £6.00
Arthur J. Slavin, ed.
The “New Monarchies” and Representative Assemblies: Medieval Constitutionalism or Modern Absolutism? (pb) £6.00
W. M. Spellman
Monarchies: 1000-2000. (hb) £10.00
John Steane
The Archaeology of the English Monarchy. (hb) £20.00
Chris Tabraham
Scotland’s Kings and Queens. (pb) £5.00
Ralph Whitlock
The Warrior Kings of Saxon England. (hb) £6.00
Books & journals containing related material
The Court Historian: The International Journal of Court Studies, vol. 18.2 (Dec. 2013): Royal Hunts Issue. (pb) £8.00
The Library: Transactions of the Bibliographical Society; Sixth Series, vol. 10, no. 4 (Dec. 1988). (pb) £4.50
Medieval History, vol. 1, no. 2 (1991). (pb) £4.50
Medieval History; vol. 2, no. 1 (1992). (pb) £6.00
Richard Barber
A Strong Land and a Sturdy: England in the Middle Ages. (hb) £1.50
Geoffrey Barraclough
History in a Changing World. (hb) £6.00
John Bickersteth & Robert W. Dunning
Clerks of the Closet in the Royal Household: Five Hundred Years of Service to the Crown. (hb) £9.00
Trevor Cairns
The Middle Ages. (pb) £5.00
Joan Evans
The Flowering of the Middle Ages. (pb) £7.00
R. W. Hunt, W. A. Pantin, R. W. Southern, eds.
Studies in Medieval History presented to Frederick Maurice Powicke. (hb) £15.00
Terry Jones and Alan Ereira
Medieval Lives. (hb) £10.00
Susannah Jowitt
Movers & Shakers of Medieval England: A Who’s Who of History’s Most Gifted, Famous and Influential People. (hb) £3.00
Helene Kottanner
The Memoirs of Helene Kottanner (1439-1440); tr. Maya Bijvoet Williamson. (pb) £10.00
Eleanor C. Lodge and Gladys A. Thornton, eds.
English Constitutional Documents 1307-1485. (hb) £6.50
Fiona MacDonald
The Medieval Facts of Life. (hb) £6.00
Peter Saccio
Shakespeare’s English Kings: History, Chronicle, and Drama. (pb) £5.00
G. O. Sayles
The Medieval Foundations of England. (hb) £6.00
The Medieval Foundations of England. (pb) £5.00
Doris Mary Stenton
English Society in the Early Middle Ages (1066-1307). (pb) £2.00
Sir Roger Twysden
Certaine Considerations upon the Government of England; ed. John Mitchell Kemble. (hb) £14.00
C. V. Wedgwood
William the Silent. (pb) £6.00
Dorothy Whitelock
The Beginnings of English Society. (pb) £5.00
B. P. Wolffe
The Crown Lands 1461-1536. (pb) £7.00
Modern fiction & literature
Eleanor and Herbert Farjeon
Kings and Queens; pref. by Anne Harvey. (pb) £2.50
This page lists general books about Royalty that are currently in stock. Individual monarchs general have their own pages — see the monarchs index page.
See the “book descriptions” page for explanations of the descriptions used in this listing.
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