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Aristocracy & gentryThis page was last updated April 14th, 2024
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Gervase Holles
Memorials of the Holles Family, 1493-1656; ed. A. C. Wood. (hb) £12.50
David Hume of Godscroft
The History of the House of Douglas; ed. David Reid. (2 vol. set, hb) £15.00
David Starkey, ed.
Rivals in Power: Lives and Letters of the Great Tudor Dynasties. (hb) £4.00
[Exhibition catalogue].
Holbein and the Court of Henry VIII: The Queen’s Gallery, Buckingham Palace, 1978-1979. (pb) £3.50
Secondary sources
Jessie Crosland
Sir John Fastolfe: A Medieval ‘Man of Property’. (hb) £10.00
John T. Driver, ed.
A Subsidy Roll for the Hundred of Macclesfield A.D. 1610. (pb) £5.00
Georges Duby
The Knight, the Lady and the Priest: The Making of Modern Marriage in Medieval France. (hb) £8.00
The Knight, the Lady and the Priest: The Making of Modern Marriage in Medieval France. (pb) £4.00
Horatia Durant
‘Sorrowful Captives’: The Tudor Earls of Devon. (hb) £10.00
James Gainey
The Princess of the Mary Rose. (pb) £4.00
Geoffrey Hindley
The Medieval Establishment 1200-1500. (hb) £6.00
Margaret Wade Labarge
A Baronial Household of the Thirteenth Century. (hb) £10.00
Mistress, Maids and Men: Baronial Life in the Thirteenth Century. (pb) £6.50
Kathleen Major
Conan Son of Ellis, an Early Inhabitant of Holbeach. (hb) £6.00
Rosalind K. Marshall
Mary of Guise. (hb) £6.00
Helen Nader, ed.
Power & Gender in Renaissance Spain: Eight Women of the Mendoza Family, 1450-1650. (pb) £6.00
Katherine S. Naughton
The Gentry of Bedfordshire in the 13th & 14th Centuries. (pb) £5.00
Alison Plowden
Lords of the Land. (hb) £4.00
Mistress of Hardwick. (pb) £2.00
Jonathan Powis
Aristocracy. (hb) £15.00
Jane Roberts
Holbein and the Court of Henry VIII: Drawings and Miniatures from the Royal Library, Windsor Castle. (pb) £5.00
William R. Tyler
Dijon and the Valois Dukes of Burgundy. (hb) £10.00
Richard Vaughan
The Valois Dukes of Burgundy: Sources of Information. (pb) £8.00
Jennifer C. Ward
English Noblewomen in the Later Middle Ages. (hb) £6.00
English Noblewomen in the Later Middle Ages. (pb) £6.00
The Essex Gentry and the County Community in the Fourteenth Century. (pb) £10.00
The Honour of Clare in Suffolk in the Early Middle Ages. (pb) £4.50
Christine Weightman
Margaret of York, Duchess of Burgundy 1446-1503. (hb) £7.00
Hillay Zmora
State and Nobility in Early Modern Germany: The Knightly Feud in Franconia 1440-1567. (hb) £20.00
Books & journals containing related material
The Archaeological Journal, vol. 161 (2004). (pb) £15.00
The Court Historian: The International Journal of Court Studies, vol. 18.2 (Dec. 2013): Royal Hunts Issue. (pb) £8.00
History: Journal of the Historical Association, vol. 67, no. 221 (Oct. 1982). (pb) £2.00
History: Journal of the Historical Association, vol. 68, no. 224 (Oct. 1983). (pb) £2.00
History: Journal of the Historical Association, vol. 72, no. 235 (June 1987). (pb) £2.00
Past and Present: A Journal of Historical Studies., no. 41 (Dec. 1968). (pb) £2.00
Past and Present: A Journal of Historical Studies., no. 43 (May 1969). (pb) £2.00
Past and Present: A Journal of Historical Studies., no. 75 (May 1977). (pb) £3.00
Surrey Archaeological Collections Relating to the History and Antiquities of the County, vol. 72 (1980). (pb) £6.00
Transactions of the Royal Historical Society; 4th Series vol. XXVII (1945). (hb) £6.00
Transactions of the Royal Historical Society; Sixth Series, 5 (1995). (hb) £6.00
Transactions of the Royal Historical Society 6th Series, XVII (2007). (hb) £10.00
Yale French Studies, special issue (1991): Contexts: Style and Values in Medieval Art and Literature. (pb) £14.50
James W. Alexander
Ranulf of Chester: A Relic of the Conquest. (hb) £6.00
Richard Barber
A Strong Land and a Sturdy: England in the Middle Ages. (hb) £1.50
Hugh Bicheno
Vendetta: High Art and Low Cunning at the Birth of the Renaissance. (pb) £6.50
Morris Bishop
The Penguin Book of the Middle Ages. (pb) £6.00
Helen Cam
England Before Elizabeth. (hb) £6.00
England Before Elizabeth. (pb) £4.50
Edwin Casady
Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey. (pb) £8.00
Cecil H. Clough, ed.
Profession, Vocation and Culture in Later Medieval England: Essays dedicated to the memory of A R. Myers. (hb) £6.00
A. G. Dickens
Lollards and Protestants in the Diocese of York, 1509-1558. (pb) £6.00
R. B. Dobson, ed.
The Church, Politics and Patronage in the Fifteenth Century. (hb) £20.00
Alfred Duggan
Growing Up in the Thirteenth Century. (hb) £6.00
John G. Dunbar
Scottish Royal Palaces: The Architecture of the Royal Residences during the Late Medieval and Early Renaissance Periods. (pb) £10.00
Richard Fletcher
Bloodfeud: Murder and Revenge in Anglo-Saxon England. (hb) £8.00
Cédric Giraud & Martin Morard, eds.
Universitas scolarium: Mélanges offerts à Jacques Verger par ses anciens étudiants. (pb) £35.00
Friedrich Heer
The Medieval World: Europe from 1100 to 1350. (pb) £6.00
James Lydon, ed.
The English in Medieval Ireland: Proceedings of the first joint meeting of the Royal Irish Academy & British Academy. (hb) £25.00
Maria Teresa Guerra Medici
L’aria di città: Donne e diritti nella città medievale. (pb) £8.50
John Hale, Roger Highfield & Beryl Smalley, eds
Europe in the Late Middle Ages. (pb) £10.00
Alan Harding
England in the Thirteenth Century. (hb) £10.00
Frederick Harrison
Medieval Man and his Notions. (hb) £3.00
J. H. Hexter
Reappraisals in History. (pb) £4.00
Susannah Jowitt
Movers & Shakers of Medieval England: A Who’s Who of History’s Most Gifted, Famous and Influential People. (hb) £3.00
Maurice Keen
English Society in the Later Middle Ages. (pb) £9.50
C. J. Kitching, intro.
Tudor Royal Letters: The Family of Henry VIII: Facsimiles with an Introduction. (pb) £5.00
J. R. Lander
Politics and Power in England, 1450-1509. (pb) £3.50
John E. Law
The Lords of Renaissance Italy: The Signori, 1250-1500. (pb) £1.50
Jack Lindsay
Arthur and his Times: Britain in the Dark Ages. (hb) £6.00
Adam Nicolson
Arcadia: The Dream of Perfection in Renaissance England. (pb) £4.50
W. M. Ormrod
The Reign of Edward III. (hb) £7.00
Jemima Parry-Jones
Falconry: Care, Captive Breeding and Conservation. (hb) £6.00
Teresa Pérez-Higuera
The Art of Time: Medieval Calendars and the Zodiac. (hb) £8.00
Alison Plowden
Marriage With My Kingdom: The Courtships of Queen Elizabeth I. (hb) £6.50
A. J. Pollard, ed.
Property and Politics: Essays in Later Medieval English History. (hb) £10.00
Michael Prestwich
The Three Edwards: War and State in England, 1272-1377; 2nd edn. (pb) £8.00
The Three Edwards: War & State in England 1272-1377. (pb) £6.00
Liam O. Purdon & Cindy L. Vitto, eds.
The Rusted Hauberk: Feudal Ideas of Order and their Decline. (hb) £10.00
Jane Roberts
Holbein and the Court of Henry VIII: Drawings and Miniatures from the Royal Library, Windsor Castle. (pb) £5.00
Desmond Seward
The Wars of the Roses and the Lives of Five Men and Women in the 15th Century. (pb) £6.00
Shulamith Shahar
The Fourth Estate: A History of Women in the Middle Ages. (pb) £4.50
Elizabeth Sutherland
Five Euphemias: Women in Medieval Scotland 1200-1420. (hb) £6.00
Retha M. Warnicke
The Marrying of Anne of Cleves: Royal Protocol in Tudor England. (hb) £6.00
Diane Watt, ed.
Medieval Women in their Communities. (pb) £10.00
Scott L. Waugh
England in the Reign of Edward III. (hb) £20.00
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