Medievalbookshop — John Wyclif

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John Wyclif

This page was last updated May 6th, 2014

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Primary sources

John Wyclif.
On Simony; tr. Terence McVeigh. (hb) £15.00

John Wyclif
Wyclif: Select English Writings; ed. Herbert E. Winn. (hb) £20.00

Johannis Wyclif
Summa insolubilium; eds. Paul Vincent Spade & Gordon Anthony Wilson. (hb) £7.00

Secondary sources

[No Author].
The Morning Star of the Reformation: The Life and Times of John de Wycliffe. (hb) £6.00

G. R. Evans
John Wyclif. (pb) £7.00

Anthony Kenny
Wyclif. (pb) £4.50

Gordon Leff
John Wyclif: The Path to Dissent. (pb) £8.00

K. B. McFarlane
John Wycliffe and the Beginnings of English Nonconformity. (hb) £7.00

H. J. Wilkins
Was John Wycliffe a Negligent Pluralist? also, John de Trevisa: His Life and Work. (hb) £10.00

Books & journals containing related material

Medievalia et Humanistica, new series, no. 1 (1970). In Honor of S. Harrison Thompson. £6.00

J. W. Atkins
English Literary Criticism: The Medieval Phase. (hb) £5.00

Piero Boitani and Anna Torti, eds
Interpretation: Medieval and Modern: Bennett Memorial Lectures, 1992. (hb) £15.00

G. G. Coulton
Studies in Medieval Thought. (hb) £7.00

H. W. C. Davis, ed.
Essays in History presented to Reginald Lane Poole. (hb) £10.00

Rev. W. J. Grier
Hus and Farel: Heroic Pioneers of the Reformation. (pb) £5.00

E. H. Robertson
Makers of the English Bible. (pb) £6.50

John A. F. Thomson
The Later Lollards 1414-1520. (hb) £10.00

George Macaulay Trevalyan
England in the Time of Wycliffe. (hb) £5.00

This page lists books by or about John Wyclif that are currently in stock (also commonly spelt Wycliffe or Wiclif).

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