Bargain books on the Middle Ages and all related subjects
Troubadours and trouveresThis page was last updated July 24th, 2023
Primary sources
Uc Faidit; ed. J. H. Marshall
The Donatz Proensals of Uc Faidit. (hb) £6.00
Secondary sources
Roger Boase
The Troubadour Revival: A Study of Social Change and Traditionalism in Late Medieval Spain. (hb) £10.00
Rouben C. Cholakian
The Troubadour Lyric: A Psychocritical Reading. (hb) £30.00
Jack Lindsay
The Troubadours and their World. (hb) £6.00
W. S. Merwin
The Mays of Ventadorn. (hb) £6.00
L. M. Paterson and S. B. Gaunt, eds.
The Troubadours and the Epic: Essays in Memory of W. Mary Hackett. (pb) £6.00
Claude Riot
Chants et Instruments: Trouveurs et jongleurs au Moyen Age. (pb) £12.00
Michael Zink
The Enchantment of the Middle Ages. (hb) £14.50
Books & journals containing related material
Yale French Studies, no. 70 (1986). Kevin Brownlee and Stephen G. Nichols, eds. Images of Power: Medieval History/Discourse/Literature. (pb) £12.50
Richard Barber
The Knight and Chivalry. (hb) £5.00
The Knight and Chivalry; 2nd edn. (pb) £2.50
Sir Maurice Bowra
Mediaeval Love-song. (pb) £4.00
David Boyle
Blondel’s Song: The Capture, Imprisonment and Ransom of Richard the Lionheart. (hb) £6.00
W. T. H. Jackson, ed.
The Interpretation of Medieval Lyric Poetry. (hb) £10.00
James J. Paxson and Cynthia A. Gravlee, eds
Desiring Discourse: The Literature of Love, Ovid through Chaucer. (hb) £14.50
Jonathan Philips & Martin Hoch, eds.
The Second Crusade: Scope and Consequences. (hb) £35.00
Jerome and Elizabeth Roche
A Dictionary of Early Music, from the Troubadours to Monteverdi. (hb) £6.00
Michael and Marianne Shapiro
Figuration in Verbal Art. (hb) £6.00
Sarah Spence
Rhetorics of Reason and Desire: Vergil, Augustine, and the Troubadours. (hb) £10.00
Texts and Self in the Twelfth Century. (hb) £25.00
Karen Sullivan
Truth and the Heretic: Crises of Knowledge in Medieval French Literature. (hb) £15.00
Sylvia Tomasch & Sealy Gilles, eds.
Text and Territory: Geographical Imagination in the European Middle Ages. (hb) £20.00
Text and Territory: Geographical Imagination in the European Middle Ages. (pb) £10.00
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