Bargain books on the Middle Ages and all related subjects
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SearchThe Fluid Dynamics search only indexes this site. It's a bit rough and ready: use quote marks for exact matches - for example, typing in geoffrey chaucer will look for every occurrence of the words geoffrey OR chaucer; typing "geoffrey chaucer" will look for occurences of those two words together. Searching on two or three words is usually better: for example, typing in just chaucer will probably return most of the pages in the attic, so add one or two words to narrow down what kind of thing you're looking for. Each result will include a line of text to give you some idea if it's what you want - these samples are lower case and lack any non‑alphanumeric characters (e.g., punctuation or currency symbols) or accents, which doesn't take too much getting used to and allows a more thorough search of the database. Clicking on any of the results will take you to the relevant page, but not to the exact spot, so if the page is a long one you may need to use your browser's find command once you get there. You should also note that if a page contains more than one occurrence of "geoffrey chaucer", your search results will only list the first one. Don't know any way round this: sorry.
Books listed on this site are mainly stored in the attic. This is organised much like most bibliographies, with the books divided into primary sources (medieval texts) and secondary sources (texts about medieval texts), and then listed alphabetically by author.
For Primary sources, books are listed alphabetically by author or artist if one is known, though the method isn't consistent (for example, anything in stock by Dante Alighieri is under D, Matthew Paris or Peter of Blois under P, John of Salisbury under S, and so on). You may need to try several different variations, as many medieval authors go under variant names and spellings: they are usually listed under the letter and name that I think most people might use to look for them. Try a few and you should soon get the idea. Anonymous works and anthologies are listed on separate pages, and there's another page for facsimiles and art works (but artists are listed alphabetically along with other authors if their names are known).
Secondary sources are listed alphabetically by author or editor. Works without a named author are listed on a separate page: there are two further "anonymous" pages, for exibition guides, and for auction catalogues. There is also a separate page for reference works, and another page leading to journals and other serials or partworks. You may need to try several different variations - and where there are multiple authors or editors, you might need to try them all - they are catalogued on this site under the first name listed on the title page of the book, though this isn't always the way they are cited in bibliographies and elsewhere. Some books are now listed separately under each of the authors'/editors' names, but this isn't consistent.
All attic pages now have a set of scroll bars for navigating - one for primary sources, one for secondary sources, one for reference books, one for medievalism, and one for the other stuff. The scroll bars need you to have javascript switched on in your browser, otherwise either they won't work or you simply won't see them (if you can't see them before the next paragraph, you need to go to your browser's preferences and switch javascript on). If these scrolls don't work, a set of links is hard-coded at the bottom of every attic page, and if you get lost you can also use the attic's main page for navigating.
Use these scrollbars to navigate the attic…
You need javascript switched on for these scrollbars to work. If you can't see see them, there's a full set of links below.
A subject index has now been added to the site, and is updated when new pages are added to the site. You can find it near the top of the green navigation bar on every page in the site.
There are some other books pages you can explore. If you go to the used books main page, you can link to the current general list: this is a list containing mixed new stock which is sent out regularly to subscribers.
There are also links that allow you to browse by series, by publisher, and by language. Please note that these facilities are very much under construction and don't list everything on the site.
An unusual feature of this site is the incomplete sets page - an ideal place to seek out odd volumes when you already have part of a set.
Finally, there is a page of unused bargains. This contains mainly remainders and overstocks, and such stuff, and is a great way to pick up good-as-new books for well under publishers' prices.
Enquiries and wants listsIf you can't find what you want on this site, or don't have time to look, you're welcome to email an enquiry, using the link at the top of this page. Don't forget, there's new stock arriving all the time and there are always other books in stock that haven't been catalogued yet - if I don't have what you want, I'll be happy to keep a wants list for you.
There are plenty of book dealers who specialise in medieval and related material. If you can't find what you want on this site, there are contact details for some of them listed on the other dealers page.
Primary sources | anthologies | anononymous | facsimile | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Secondary sources | journals & partworks | author unknown | exhibition guides & ephemera | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | Mc | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Browse by subject | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Reference books | Reference index | general reference | bibliographies | biographical dictionaries | catalogues: auctions | catalogues: exhibitions | catalogues: museums & collections | chronology & dating | genealogy & heraldry | guides & gazetteers | lexical: concordances, dictionaries, glossaries | maps & atlases | medievalism | name & place-name studies | pass notes & study guides | numismatics
Medievalism | main page | general non-fiction | reference books | biography & autobiography | travelogues | arcana | folklore | arts and crafts | kid's books | fiction | poetry | drama | humour
Other stuff | browse by publisher | browse by series | browse by language | gift books | kids' stuff | incomplete sets | shop returns | signed copies | unused bargains | useful non-medieval | new books (with Amazon links)