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The NormansThis page was last updated August 6th, 2024
See also | Anglo-Norman Studies (journal) | William the Conqueror | Sicily | Battle of Hastings | Bayeux Tapestry | Domesday Book | Castles | Romanesque |
[No author].
Camden Miscellany vol. XXXIV: Chronology, Conquest and Conflict in Medieval England. (hb) £6.00
T. A. Dorey and Allison Leon, eds.
The Norman Kings. (hb) £5.00
Michael Altschul, comp.
Bibliographical Handbooks: Anglo-Norman England 1066-1154. (hb) £6.00
Nigel and Mary Kerr
A Guide to Norman Sites in Britain. (pb) £5.00
Richard Quick, ed.
Discover Norman Britain: Nine Norman Heritage Trails. (pb) £4.00
Alastair Service
The Buildings of Britain: Anglo-Saxon and Norman, A Guide and Gazetteer. (hb) £3.50
The Buildings of Britain: Anglo-Saxon and Norman, A Guide and Gazetteer. (pb) £5.00
John West
Our Norman Heritage. (pb) £5.00
Secondary sources
[No author].
The Normans. (pb) £4.00
Timothy Baker
The Normans. (hb) £6.00
Richard F. Cassady
The Norman Achievement. (hb) £8.00
R. H. C. Davis
The Normans and their Myth. (hb) £6.00
David C. Douglas
The Norman Conquest. (pb) £2.50
N. J. Higham
The Norman Conquest. (pb) £5.00
Henry Loyn
The Norman Conquest. (hb) £5.00
D. J. A. Matthew
The Norman Conquest. (hb) £8.50
David Nicolle
The Normans. (pb) £5.00
Jon Nichol
Evidence: The Normans. (pb) £5.00
L. G. Pine
Heirs of the Conqueror: the Norman Conquest, its history & consequences to the present day. (hb) £6.00
Trevor Rowley
The English Heritage Book of Norman England: An Archaeological Perspective on the Norman Conquest. (pb) £5.00
Leah Shopkow
History and Community: Norman Historical Writing in the 11th & 12th Centuries. (pb) £9.00
Books & journals containing related material
The Cambridge Historical Journal, vol. XIII, no. 2 (1957). (pb) £1.50
Fortress: The Castles & Fortifications Quarterly.
no. 12 (Feb. 1992). (pb) £5.00
History: Journal of the Historical Association, vol. 51, no. 173 (October 1966). (pb) £2.00
Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, 5th series, vol. 36 (1986). (hb) £4.50
James W. Alexander
Ranulf of Chester: A Relic of the Conquest. (hb) £6.00
Finch Allibone
In Pursuit of the Robber Baron: Recreating the Journey of Robert Guiscard, Duke of Apulia and ‘The Terror of the World’. (hb) £6.00
Martin Arnold
The Vikings: Culture and Conquest. (hb) £8.00
Richard Barber
A Strong Land and a Sturdy: England in the Middle Ages. (hb) £1.50
Helen Cam
England Before Elizabeth. (hb) £6.00
England Before Elizabeth. (pb) £4.50
Marjorie Chibnall
Anglo-Norman England, 1066-1166. (hb) £10.00
John Clark
Saxon and Norman London; revised edn. (pb) £3.00
Terry Deary
The Smashing Saxons and the Stormin' Normans: Two Horrible Books in One; illustrated by Martin Brown. (hb) £3.50
John Fairley
Patch History and Creativity. (pb) £5.00
Bernard Knight
The Tinner’s Corpse: A Crowner John Mystery. (hb) £15.00
The Tinner’s Corpse: A Crowner John Mystery. (pb) £6.00
Kathleen Norman
The Rise of Christian Europe AD 800 — AD 1100. (hb) £5.00
Henry Pluckrose
Hastings 900: Domesday. (hb) £4.00
Nigel Saul, ed.
England in Europe 1066-1453. (hb) £5.00
(ed.) The Oxford Illustrated History of Medieval England. (hb) £6.00
G. O. Sayles
The Medieval Foundations of England. (hb) £6.00
The Medieval Foundations of England. (pb) £5.00
Katharine Scherman
The Flowering of Ireland: Saints, Scholars and Kings. (hb) £3.50
Frank Stenton
The First Century of English Feudalism 1066-1166; 2nd edn. (hb) £8.00
Joseph Reese Strayer
The Administration of Normandy under Saint Louis. (hb) £10.00
Dorothy Margaret Stuart
The Boy through the Ages. (hb) £6.00
Boswell Taylor, gen. ed.
Picture Reference: Saxons, Vikings and Normans. (pb) £2.00
Michael Wood
In Search of England: Journeys into the English Past. (hb) £6.00
A. C. Wright
South-East Essex in the Danish and Norman Periods. (pb) £5.00
Modern fiction & literature
Julian Rathbone
The Last English King. (hb) £6.00
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