Bargain books on the Middle Ages and all related subjects
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WessexThis page was last updated January 21st, 2022
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See also | Anglo-Saxon studies | Winchester | Alfred the Great |
Secondary sources
Patricia Beer; photographs by Fay Godwin
Wessex: A National Trust Book. (hb) £6.00
J. H. Bettey
Wessex from AD 1000. (pb) £8.00
H. P. R. Finberg
West-Country Historical Studies. (hb) £6.00
Margaret Gallyon
The Early Church in Wessex and Mercia. (hb) £5.00
David A. Hinton
Alfred’s Kingdom: Wessex and the South 800-1500. (hb) £6.00
Books & journals containing related material
[No author].
Anglo-Saxon England. (pb, BBC radio talks) £4.00
Sir William Addison
Understanding English Surnames. (hb) £2.50
Eleanor Shipley Duckett
Alfred the Great and his England. (hb) £6.50
Richard Humble
The Fall of Saxon England. (hb) £5.00
Robert Jackson
Dark Age Britain: What to See and Where. (hb) £6.00
Michael Jenner
Journeys into Medieval England. (hb) £8.00
Journeys into Medieval England. (pb) £6.00
Nigel and Mary Kerr
A Guide to Anglo-Saxon Sites. (pb) £6.50
J. N. L. Myres
The English Settlements. (pb) £6.00
Richard Quick, ed.
Discover Norman Britain: Nine Norman Heritage Trails. (pb) £4.00
Beram Saklavata
The Origins of the English People. (hb) £6.00
Nigel Saul, gen. ed.
The National Trust Historical Atlas of Britain, Prehistoric to Medieval. (pb) £7.00
G. O. Sayles
The Medieval Foundations of England. (hb) £6.00
The Medieval Foundations of England. (pb) £5.00
Arthur Weigall
Wanderings in Anglo-Saxon Britain. (hb) £6.00
This page lists books relating to Wessex that are currently in stock. For the purposes of listing on this page, the area covered is broadly but not exclusively Avon, Wiltshire, Berkshire, Hampshire, Dorset and Somerset.
See the “book descriptions” page for explanations of the descriptions used in this listing.
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