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FlorenceThis page was last updated October 1st, 2020
See also | Renaissance | Boccaccio | Dante | Giotto | Machiavelli | Medici family | Piero della Francesca | Savonarola |
Gene Brucker, ed.
Two Memoirs of Renaissance Florence: The Diaries of Buonaccorso Pitti & Gregorio Dati. (pb) £6.00
[Exhibition catalogue].
Frescoes from Florence: An Exhibition organized by the Soprintendenza alle Gallerie per le provincie di Firenze e Pistoia: Hayward Gallery, London, 3 April to 15 June, 1969. (pb) £6.00
Magnolia Scudieri
Museum of San Marco: The Official Guide. (pb) £2.50
Secondary sources
Roberto Bartolini
Florence [rev. edn. of ‘Florence and its Hills’]. (pb) £5.00
Anthony Bertram
Florentine Sculpture. (pb) £4.00
Gene Brucker
Giovanni and Lusanna: Love and Marriage in Renaissance Florence. (hb) £6.00
Samuel Cohn, Jr.
The Character of Insurrection in mid-quattrocento Florence. (pb) £4.50.
Mario Franchi
Santa Croce: The Church, The Cloisters and the Museum. (pb) £3.00
Richard Fremantle
Florentine Painting in the Uffizi: An Introduction to the Historical Background. (pb) £5.00
Louis Green
Chronicle into History: An Essay on the Interpretation of History in Florentine 14th-Century Chronicles. (hb) £8.00
David Herlihy and Christine Klapisch-Zuber
Tuscans and their Families: A Study of the Florentine Catasto of 1427. (pb) £15.00
Ross King
Brunelleschi’s Dome: The Story of the Great Cathedral in Florence. (pb) £4.50
Maria-Luisa Minio-Paluello
Jesters and Devils: Florence — San Giovanni 1514. (pb) £3.00
Mark Phillips
The Memoir of Marco Parenti: A Life in Medici Florence. (hb) £8.00
F. R. Salter
The Jews in 15th-Century Florence and Savonarola’s Establishment of a Mons Pietatis. (pb) £7.00
Books & journals containing related material
History: Journal of the Historical Association, vol. 63, no. 209 (Oct. 1978). (pb) £2.00
Medievalia et Humanistica, New Series, no. 15 (1987): The Early Renaissance. (hb) £11.00
Past and Present: A Journal of Historical Studies., no. 54 (Feb. 1972). (pb) £2.00
Studies in Medieval and Renaissance History, VII (Old Series, vol. XVII) (1985). (hb) £10.00
Kenneth R. Bartlett, ed.
The Civilization of the Italian Renaissance: A Sourcebook. (pb) £6.50
Peter Biller
The Measure of Multitude: Population in Medieval Thought. (pb) £10.00
E. R. Chamberlin
The World of the Italian Renaissance. (hb) £6.00
Trevor Dean, trans.
The Towns of Italy in the Later Middle Ages. (pb) £8.50
Anton Gill
Il Gigante: Michelangelo, Florence and the David, 1492-1504. (hb) £6.00
Il Gigante: Michelangelo, Florence and the David, 1492-1504. (hb, slightly shop soiled) £6.00
Ferdinand Gregorovius
Lucrezia Borgia, The Daughter of Pope Alexander VI: A Chapter from the Morals of the Italian Renaissance. (hb) £6.00
John Hale, Roger Highfield & Beryl Smalley, eds
Europe in the Late Middle Ages. (pb) £10.00
Cathy Jorgensen Itnyre, ed.
Medieval Family Roles: A Book of Essays. (pb) £17.00
The Prince & Other Political Writings; trans. Bruce Penman. (pb) £6.00
Christine Meek and Catherine Lawless, eds.
Studies on Medieval and Early Modern Women: Pawns or Players? (pb) £7.00
Modern fiction & literature
Francis Warner
Living Creation: A Play. (hb) £5.00
Anne Rice
Of Love and Evil. (pb) £2.50
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