Medievalbookshop — William Caxton

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William Caxton

This page was last updated March 11th, 2022

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Editions & translations

William Caxton
The Description of Britain. ‘Modern rendering’ by Marie Collins. (hb) £6.00

William Caxton
The History of Reynard the Fox, translated from the Dutch original; N. F. Blake, ed. (hb) £10.00

Secondary sources

Janet Backhouse, John Barr, Mirjam Foot, eds.
William Caxton, An Exhibition to Commemorate the Quincentenary of the Introduction of Printing into England. (pb) £3.50

N. F. Blake
Caxton: England’s First Publisher. (hb) £15.00

Joseph R. Dunlap
William Caxton and William Morris: Comparisons and Contrasts. (pb) £7.00

Paul Needham
The Printer & The Pardoner: An Unrecorded Indulgence printed by William Caxton. (hb) £10.00

Books & journals containing related material

J. W. Atkins
English Literary Criticism: The Medieval Phase. (hb) £5.00

Robert Burchfield
The English Language. (pb) £5.00

Marilyn Desmond
Reading Dido: Gender, Textuality and the Medieval Aeneid. (hb) £10.00

Boris Ford, ed.
New Pelican Guide to English Literature: 2. The Age of Shakespeare. (pb) £3.50

Louise Fradenburg & Carla Freccero, eds.
Premodern Sexualities. (pb) £20.00

Seth Lerer
Chaucer and his Readers: Imagining the Author in Late Medieval England. (pb) £10.00

R. J. Unstead
From William I to Caxton. (hb) £4.50

This page lists books by or about William Caxton that are currently in stock.

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