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Secondhand book for saleJulian G. Plante, ed.
Translatio Studii: Manuscript and Library Studies honoring Oliver L. Kapsner.
Collegeville, Minn.: St. John’s University Press, 1973.
[No ISBN].
Binding: hardback, stitch bound.
Printer: North Central Publishing Co., St. Paul.
Size: 160x242x29mm.
Page count: text xiii,288pp; plates 20pp.
Main language: 7 essays in German, 5 in English, 2 in French, 1 in Spanish; some of the essays include Latin texts without translation.
Overall condition fair to good: the dustjacket on this copy is somewhat yellowed with age, and a bit ragged at the edges and corners; binding sags a bit; page edges a little dusty, some light foxing; text appears to be free of marking.
This item £35.00
P&P inc. within the UK
(delivery outside the UK not currently available)Weight without packaging: 795g.
Heckman, A new experience — a new friend;
Rapf, Bibliothek der Benediktinerabtei Unserer Lieben Frau zu den Schotten in Wien;
Mazal, Ein frühgotischer fränzosischer Blindstempeleinband in der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek;
Carlen, The popes & the Vatican Library;
Winner, Zur Bibiotheksgeschichte des ehemaligen Augustiner-Chorherrenstiftes St. Pölten;
Plante, Text of the Brevis Cronica Reichersbergensis;
Leclercq, S. Bernard & l'image du jongleur dans les manuscrits;
Riedel, Das Musikalienrepertoire des Benediktinerstiftes Göttweig (Niederösterreich) um die Mitte des 17. Jahrhunderts;
Peebles, Little-known 18th‑c. project to edit Sulpicius Severus;
Frank, Das Wiener Dominikanerkloster um die Mitte des 15. Jahrhunderts im Spiegel eines Briefbuches;
Conde, La única cita hispana conocida de la Regula Magistri;
Fowler, Engelberti Abbatis Admontensis [Engelbert of Admont], Tractatus metricus De consilio vivendi;
Wagner, Der Religionsfonds versteigert eine alte Stiftsbibliothek;
Glénisson & Grandmottet, Bibliothèque de Guillaume de Chaumont, clerc et conseilleur des rois Jean le Bon et Charles V;
Sheerin, Notes on suppression of the proper prefaces;
Maresch, Hussitismus, ein Versuch der begrifflichen Erläuterung.
Appendix: Curriculum vitae of Oliver L. Kapsner, OSB.Notes: at foot of page
Tables: no
Illustrations: a frontispiece and 12 pages of plates, all monochrome, and 8 pages in colour.
Maps & plans: no
Genealogies: no
Chronology: no
Glossary: no
Bibliography: Kapner's publications.
Index: Conspectus codicum.
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