Graphic design and typesetting service
Contact details
You’re welcome to call for an informal chat:
Telephone 01923 227323
(International: +44 1923 227323. If possible, please call during UK business hours)
If you get the answerphone, please do leave a message saying when would be a good time to return your call. Please note, this phone number does not receive faxes.
To send an email on most devices, you can click the following link to create a new message in your email app:
Sometimes it doesn’t work: if not, simply go to your email app and create a new message manually, then send it to:
If you've sent an email to medievalbookshop but not received a reply please do try again (check the spelling — it’s easy to mis-type!)
Every legitimate email that is received will be replied to, usually within 24 hours, so it may be that either your email hasn’t been received here, or that my reply has either been diverted to your junk folder or bounced back by your internet company.
The Medievalbookshop site is designed and maintained by Medievalbookshop. Hosting services are provided by Media Munch.
Website written, coded and designed by Medievalbookshop