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Daniel W. Mosser.
A Digital Catalogue of the pre-1500 Manuscripts and Incunables of the Canterbury Tales.

Publisher: Boydell & Brewer for Scholarly Digital Editions.
Publication due: 20 January 2011.

Publisher's recommended price
CD-ROM, ISBN 1904628141, £60.00


This CD-ROM contains descriptions of every surviving pre-1500 manuscript of the Canterbury Tales, and of individual copies of the four incunable editions. This catalogue is based on inspection of every manuscript, of all relatively complete print editions, and many of the fragmentary (single-leaf) print copies. Every manuscript description is accompanied by images of the manuscript, many as high-resolution digital photographs freshly taken for this catalogue. Each description gives a full account of the manuscript's contents, hands, language, copying progress and provenance. For paper copies, every watermark is identified and most are dated, many with images. Accompanying articles discuss lost manuscripts and individual scribes (notably Adam Pynkhurst, perhaps Chaucer's "Adam scriveyn").