Medievalbookshop — AAK0288 Kirkpatrick, Divine Comedy

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See also | Divine Comedy |

Secondhand book for sale
Scanned image of the book’s front cover

Robin Kirkpatrick.
Dante: The Divine Comedy.

Publisher: Cambridge U.P., [1987; publication details not available, could be a reprint].
Series: Landmarks of World Literature.
ISBN 0521305330;
ISBN-13 97805213053304.
Binding: paperback, perfect bound.
Size: 124x197x11mm.
Page count: xi,115pp.
Main language: English.
Overall condition fair to good: the title page from this copy is missing; some scratching on the front cover, a bit of general wear; pages a bit yellowed with age; otherwise looks in reasonable order.

This item £6.00
P&P inc. within the UK
(delivery outside the UK not currently available)

[Publisher’s price for 2nd edn. £15.99]
Weight without packaging: 142g.

How to order this book

Contents: Approaches to The Divine Comedy; Change, vision & language — the early works & Inferno, Canto Two; The Divine Comedy — Inferno — Purgatorio — Paradiso; After Dante.

Illustrations: no
Maps & plans: no

Notes: no
Tables: no
Genealogies: no
Chronology: yes
Glossary: no
Bibliography: ‘Guide to further reading’, 3pp
Index: no

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